More than Winners and Losers

One of the distinctive characteristics of Western society’s mindset is that competition is viewed as a positive and even a desirable trait.
While competition has its merits, this mindset may set people up to look for divisions of winning and losing, and therefore, winners and losers. That can become very consuming, always prompting us to seek approval and validation for our skills, knowledge, and achievements.
The reality is that there are people all around us that contribute ideas, efforts, and accomplishments. They make a big difference – a positive difference, every day.
These delightful people are in our families, neighborhoods, grocery stores, and workplaces.
Yet if we live in that polarized world of “I win, you lose,” the only thing that we notice is accomplishment and results.
Knowing all of this, I post a variety of suggestions on social media every day to inspire leaders to embrace proven techniques to boost:
- Engagement,
- Service, and
- Results.

The reality is that there are people all around us that contribute ideas, efforts, and accomplishments. They make a big difference – a positive difference, every day.
One such recent post said, “Validate others’ efforts and accomplishments – not just their accomplishments.” A comment on the post surprised me.
The comment, from a business leader, in a nutshell, said he does not care about effort. He cares only about results. Efforts, he said, do not matter.
I believe this man wholeheartedly believes this – and he acts on it. I would wager that his employees do not receive praise or encouragement for their effort each day.
Despite doing hundreds of things right.
Don’t be this guy. Remember,
- Validating others does not diminish us. It costs us a few minutes and a few words.
- Thank people for their efforts and ideas and accomplishments. Every day.
This creates unity and respect in which productivity thrives naturally.
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