Is a Lack of Flexible Work Hours Hurting the Public Sector’s DEI Efforts?

Eleanor Hecks is a senior HR and business writer at Designerly Magazine. After growing up with parents who both worked in the public sector, Eleanor is passionate about specifically applying her insights to those in the government and education professions. You can connect with her on LinkedIn or follow Designerly on X for business and design insights.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the public sector focuses on creating a work environment where all employees have equal opportunities to succeed and feel valued. This commitment to DEI fosters innovation, improves public services and ensures fair representation of the diverse communities government entities serve.

Flexible work hours are crucial in promoting DEI by accommodating various personal needs and circumstances, such as those of parents, caregivers and individuals with disabilities. By offering flexible work arrangements, public sectors can attract a wider talent pool, enhance employee satisfaction and retain a more diverse workforce.

Who Benefits from Flexible Work Hours

Flexible work hours help parents balance job and family responsibilities, making managing childcare, school activities and household duties easier. In 2023, only 74% of mothers with children under 18 years old were working or looking for work.

This number highlights the challenges many face in finding suitable employment. Flexible work arrangements allow parents to create a schedule fitting their family’s needs, reducing stress and improving job satisfaction. This approach supports parents and encourages a more inclusive workforce because it enables talented individuals to continue their careers without sacrificing family responsibilities.

In addition, flexible work hours benefit individuals with disabilities, as they can tailor their schedules to accommodate medical appointments, therapies or energy levels. This inclusivity ensures such individuals can contribute effectively and feel valued in their roles.

On the other hand, Millennials and Gen Z workers — a significant portion of the workforce — strongly prefer flexible work arrangements. In fact, these demographics prioritize a work/life balance when choosing an employer. Flexible work hours allow public sector offices to tap into a broader, more diverse talent pool and enhance their ability to serve diverse communities effectively.

Flexible Work Hours as Part of an Overall Flexible Workplace

Flexible work hour options such as flextime and compressed workweeks allow employees to adjust their start and end times or condense their workdays into fewer days per week. These options are one of several parts of an overall flexible workplace, which includes things like remote work, job sharing and part-time roles. Flexible work opportunities allow workers to tailor their work arrangements to fit their lives and responsibilities.

These opportunities attract a diverse workforce by appealing to those with varying needs who may find traditional full-time, on-site jobs challenging. Studies show 60% of staff would choose a position with flexible work opportunities such as work from home options over a higher-paying job with strict in-person requirements, emphasizing the value placed on flexibility.

Public sector employers can create a comprehensive approach that enhances DEI and team well-being by combining flexible work opportunities and work hours. This strategy attracts and retains a more diverse and satisfied workforce and fosters a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Two colleagues are in an office, with a man sitting on a desk and a woman holding a tablet. The man, with a beard and light blue shirt, listens intently as the woman, sporting curly hair, striped shirt, and brown cardigan, discusses DEI initiatives displayed on the tablet.
Stacked wooden blocks against an orange background display the words "Diversity," "Equity," and "Inclusion." The first letter of each word—D, E, I—is highlighted in red on the side of each block, forming the acronym "DEI," symbolizing the integration of AI into fostering inclusive environments.

Flexible work hours are crucial in promoting DEI by accommodating various personal needs and circumstances


Importance of Flexible Work Hours for Hiring and Retaining a Diverse Workforce

Flexible work policies can make government jobs more appealing to a broader range of applicants by accommodating various personal and professional needs. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the government sector has only regained 53% of lost jobs compared with the private sector’s 93 percent. This disparity highlights the urgent need for the public sector to adopt more attractive employment practices.

Flexible work policies can draw in individuals who require more adaptable schedules. By providing these options, the government can attract a more diverse and talented workforce and ensure its services reflect and meet citizens’ needs.

Implementing flexible work hours can also improve job satisfaction and reduce turnover, which is crucial given the high costs associated with recruitment. On average, brands spend around $5,000 to hire a new worker, covering expenses such as job advertising and other recruitment needs.

By offering flexible work arrangements, government agencies can enhance morale and loyalty, decrease turnover rates, and save on recruitment costs. Additionally, diverse teams operating under flexible work policies are often more creative and better at problem-solving, as they bring various perspectives and approaches. This can lead to more innovative solutions and improved public services benefitting the entire community.

Challenges in Offering Flexible Work Hours in the Public Sector

Implementing flexible hours in the public sector is challenging due to rigid structures and outdated policies designed for traditional, in-office work environments. These rules need significant reforms and modernization to accommodate the evolving needs of today’s workforce.

One primary concern is maintaining the efficiency of public services and productivity when people work flexible hours. Some Republicans in Congress argued that fewer people in the office would lead to declining public service quality. However, efficient management and advanced technology can mitigate these challenges. They ensure staff remain connected and productive regardless of their location.

Additionally, substantial resistance to change exists within traditional government settings, making it essential to secure leadership buy-in and promote cultural shifts toward a more flexible and inclusive work environment. Addressing these issues can modernize workforce mandates and better serve the needs of working teams and the public.

Weighing Options for a Satisfying Government Career

Government workers should thoroughly weigh their options before applying, considering how flexible work policies can enhance their work-life balance and job satisfaction. The long-term benefits of a diverse, inclusive and satisfied workforce include improved public service efficiency and a more supportive work environment.

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