How To Make a Swift Comeback From a Layoff

Layoffs have been in the news quite a bit recently. And for a good reason- many large tech companies are letting their staff go as the tech boom during the pandemic is slowing down. There’s been much talk about who is to blame, and better predictions should have been made. The thing is- who could have predicted anything? Let’s not waste our energy on predictions or blame. I am here to do what I do best- help those who have been laid off move forward.
So, what can you do to move forward if you have been let go recently?
Make Your Mental Wellness A Priority
Losing your job is a traumatic event. It involves your financial security, including the loss of income. It also consists of the fear of what to do next and a loss of identity that is part of your career.
You will feel anger and resentment as well as fear and anxiety. It’s all normal. You will even feel out of sorts without your work routine. The best thing you can do is start a new routine rather than allow yourself to feel stuck or depressed.
There is another essential aspect to maintaining your mental wellness. By its very nature, job searching takes us outside of our comfort zones, so keeping your mental health through this process will be essential and should be a priority. Also, giving yourself grace and love is critical if you were recently laid off. I want you to remember that a lay-off is not a reflection of your skills, abilities, or accomplishments. I know it hurts, but it was likely done for a financial reason, not personal.
Part of maintaining your mental well-being is consistently reminding yourself how awesome you are, how much you have achieved, and how much you will contribute and continue to accomplish in the future. Make time for yourself throughout the day with activities you enjoy, such as exercising, journaling, meditation, etc. Take some time to process what happened and talk about it with those that can help you the most.
Looking For a New Role Is Your New Gig- For Now
You know what they say about losing a job- that looking for a new position becomes your next FT job. Unfortunately, this is true. Utilize this time to refresh your materials and work with career professionals to boost yourself to the next level. A resume writer can help you with your materials, and a Career Coach can help you with interviewing skills and finding and landing the next role while increasing your salary. Networking will also play an important role. Make lists of companies you want to target and add them if you know of anyone who works there. You will want to have a virtual coffee or lunch with them to see how you can help each other. While networking, remember to return favors and ask what you can do for your connections in return. It is meant to be a two-way street where it is mutual, and you can rely on each other rather than a transactional relationship. It’s worth it in the end.
You can also connect with recruiters and be sure to use your LinkedIn profile to your advantage.

Shift Your Mindset and Let Go of the Negativity
The worst thing you could do is walk into an interview with a nasty, negative attitude and lose your opportunity. Layoffs are not easy to deal with; however, they also cannot be used as an excuse for a bad attitude, saying negative things about your employer, or coming across as angry. It’s not a good look if you speak poorly about your former boss or company- no matter how you were laid off- it will reflect poorly on you.
It is crucial to show up to the interview exuding confidence. It is also important to remember that if you show up confident in yourself, your skills, and your work despite the setback, then the interviewer and potential employer will also feel confident in your abilities. Practicing your interviewing skills may be good if you last interviewed a while ago. After all, the more refreshed and polished your skills are, and on top of your game you are, the better you will do.
More than likely, you will need to work on shifting your mindset before this process can begin. It will help you to heal the wounds of what just occurred and how you think of yourself. Portraying those thoughts outward can either help you or hinder you, and it’s always my professional advice to use a layoff as your next best opportunity and present it that way in an interview.
Stay Positive, Consistent, and Persistent
This is also where working with career professionals can help. They have the tools to help keep you going, and many career coaches have programs built around their client’s needs to help you reach the desired outcome. Whether you hire a professional or not, it is critical to stay positive, consistent, and persistent and build habits and a routine to ensure that.
I will be rooting for you and your career from the sidelines. You’ve got this!
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