How ROTC Prepares and Provides More Government Career Opportunities

Roger has been an advocate of e-learning since the early 2010s. He’s passionate about integrating technologies such as Web3, virtual and augmented reality within the education sector. He believes the future of learning will be an immersive experience for educators and students alike.
ROTC is a great opportunity for young people. The emphasis, however, is on the word “young.” The average recruit tends to be a teenager. The oldest a person can even be eligible for the program is 26.
This means that most people exiting the program still have many years of employment ahead of them. Fortunately, former ROTC cadets are well-positioned to find gainful employment. In this article, we take a look at what skills ROTC provides the people who complete its program. We also look at what government careers might be waiting for the ROTC cadet on the other side of their training.
The Benefits of ROTC
First, it’s important to understand that the benefits of ROTC are multifaceted. There are, of course, the skills that you acquire from the program itself. We will be reflecting on these later on in the article.
Additionally, the ROTC cadet is allowed to complete college at reduced or no cost. In terms of job market eligibility, this is a huge asset. College graduates make significantly more money than people who only have a high school diploma.
They are also just eligible for a much wider range of careers. ROTC cadets can and should take advantage of every benefit that the program provides. Cadets who use the program in part as a vehicle for affordable education come out the other end of the program with little to no debt, and strong career potential.
When you consider the mountains of debt most people find themselves with after college, this is a truly invaluable asset.
ROTC also supplies its cadets with a well-defined set of skills that translate excellently onto resumes and job performance. Here are some of the many skills that can be acquired through ROTC.
Confidence is a critical component of doing well in a job interview, and impressing employers once you actually land the position. ROTC cadets train intensely for long periods. During the program, they are pushed to their limits.
Difficult though this training may be, it produces a considerable amount of confidence. Graduates of the ROTC program are aware of what they can do. They know the value of hard work, and they aren’t afraid to push themselves to meet their goals.
For government jobs and work in the private sector, this is an invaluable skill that is sure to set ROTC grads apart.
The utility of good communication skills in the military is clear. In high-stress situations, members of the military need to be able to think clearly, and communicate effectively. No office situation will ever be half so stressful as a combat scenario, but communication remains a highly valued skill.
Certainly, this is true for government work. It’s also worth mentioning that strong communication abilities are commonly listed as one of the most desired traits from job applicants in the private sector as well. It’s a simple but elusive skill that can be very marketable in the world of job hunting.
ROTC students have hours of weekly training. They do classwork, simulations, indoor and outdoor lessons—all while usually performing the duties of an average college student.
Naturally, this intense workload requires a significant amount of discipline-a quality that any employer will be excited to find in their applicants.
State and local government agencies are very aware of how much effort and focus goes into military training of any kind. The discipline that comes from ROTC is a bankable trait that graduates of the program can use to find employment after they graduate.
ROTC is also naturally linked to higher education. Technically, it is a college elective—in fact, freshmen and sophomore ROTC students can participate with no obligation to enlist in the army. Students are only commissioned after they have graduated.
To that end, one of the best ways that ROTC helps people get government jobs is by equipping their resumes with college degrees.
Most well-paying city and local government jobs will require at least a bachelor’s degree. If you’re looking into getting your degree, here are some of the best online colleges for military and veterans. ROTC tends to help you get into college with scholarships and financial aid, which will allow you to get an education at a lower cost.
Receptiveness to Feedback
ROTC may not be like the grueling military drill training programs you see in movies. Your instructor won’t be Jack Nickolson in a Few Good Men. Much of what you do will actually take place in a classroom. It will, however, be challenging. During your time in the program, you will eventually build a high tolerance to feedback.
This is a vital skill for any workplace. The ability to take criticism and use it to improve your performance is a vital skill for state and local government jobs. ROTC will help you get it.
Resume Builder
Finally, ROTC completion is also just a strong resume builder. Completing the program can be very difficult. Job candidates who have done it demonstrate that they may be willing to work a little harder than someone with a comparable background but no ROTC completion.
It may also appeal to a hiring manager’s patriotism. While ROTC is not the same thing as active duty, it is a program that is built around serving one’s country. State and local government jobs may have a more local focus, but serving communities is at the core of what they do. ROTC graduates demonstrate that they are willing to do this.

ROTC graduates naturally find themselves well-positioned to take on certain jobs at the State or even federal level.
ROTC graduates are natural leaders. Workplaces look for job candidates with good leadership potential for many reasons. For one thing, they have a natural potential for advancement, making them a good option for businesses who wish to avoid costly outside hires down the line.
They also perform even entry-level jobs very well. Natural leaders play a vital role in a workplace’s culture regardless of what rung they find themselves on the management ladder.
How Completing ROTC Helps You Get Local Government Jobs
Completing ROTC can be a natural stepping stone into local government work. Local law enforcement agencies are often populated with people who have some sort of military background. Those interested in a career in policing may consider ROTC to be a good stepping stone towards that end.
The work doesn’t have to be quite so obviously linked to ROTC or military training, however. Local government agencies of any variety will likely appreciate seeing ROTC on a job candidate’s resume.
ROTC/ military experience can also be a good thing to have if you intend to take on elected local government work. While there are no guarantees on this front, it is safe to say that a significant segment of the voting public appreciates the way ROTC/ military people have served their country in the past, and may be more inclined to give them an opportunity to serve the local community by throwing a vote their way.
How Completing ROTC Helps You Get State Jobs
ROTC graduates naturally find themselves well-positioned to take on certain jobs at the State or even federal level. The skills learned in the program make grads naturally suited for work in Homeland Security. Many border patrol or cyber security agents at one time went through ROTC.
Naturally, there is also the VA, or the Department of Defense (military) both of which are natural destinations for people with an ROTC background.
ROTC grads might also be naturally acclimated for the law enforcement positions, like State Police.
Of course, it’s easy to highlight jobs that in some way favor a military background. However, these positions are far from the only options available to people who have completed ROTC.
Not everyone who goes through the program will be interested in a military career, nor will they necessarily want to take on work in law enforcement or national security. That’s fine. The decision to enroll in ROTC does not necessarily have to shape the entire trajectory of your career.
It doesn’t narrow your options but broadens them. The education you receive, the skills you acquire are valuable in any job market, private or public.
Think About Enlisting
ROTC may not be for everyone. While the program comes with many benefits, as seen above, it is, at its core, designed to prepare you for military service. Once you graduate from ROTC you will be required to serve in the military for a set period of time.
This may not be a good fit for everyone.
If, however, it appeals to you, the benefits are substantial. Affordable education, bankable skills, and a resume that appeals to hiring managers in both the private and public sectors. Not to mention the chance to serve your country, which is at the heart of the ROTC program.
Thinking of enlisting? People interested in using the ROTC program to jumpstart their professional lives can learn more here. It’s a big decision it also comes with many benefits. Look into. Talk to a recruiter. Talk to you friends and family. And, if you decide you are a good fit, enlist in ROTC to enjoy all of the benefits we have described in this article.
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