Being Coachable Requires Being Honest

When people talk about being coachable, they usually are interested in getting better.
The difficult part is the second half of being coachable…
Because that requires you to be willing to change.
And the reality is that most people want to get better on THEIR TERMS and so they continue to do things THEIR WAY with little positive result.
And so, if you want to enjoy the fruits of improvement, being willing to change what you are doing and who you are listening to as a mentor or teacher is an important part of the process…
But before you are willing to change, you will need to take a close look at yourself and your current productivity and impact.
Because a vital part of the process of being coachable is BEING HONEST…
In my book, STAYING COACHABLE, the story reveals four sets of questions that inspire relentless improvement and allow you to keep climbing.
And the SECOND part of that process focuses on HONESTY:
“This second part of the process is a place where many people stumble, as many people find it difficult to acknowledge where and what they are without prejudice.
Prejudice is a controversial word…
But it simply describes the act of holding an opinion that is not based on facts or reality.
And we all tend to be prejudiced when it comes to seeing ourselves.
Troubles occur when looking at ourselves through filters that distort the reality of our behaviors and results instead of seeing them accurately in a clear mirror.

When people talk about being coachable, they usually are interested in getting better.
People may have a desired goal or purpose, but not acknowledge their own role in sabotaging progress toward achieving it. People may point at and blame other factors, refusing to admit their own involvement and impact.
And when shown a painfully honest depiction of their current state, defensiveness may compel them to turn the mirror back on those who seek to help them improve.
These people are not being honest with themselves or their teams.
But the second step of staying coachable is to look at yourself in a clear mirror instead of through more favorable filters.
Filters may allow people to see the world more easily, without the discomfort of personal responsibility. They may allow people to excuse themselves and explain away undesirable outcomes without taking ownership of their contribution to the results.
But those filters people unconsciously apply that let them see their reality more favorably also sabotage any need for personal growth.
Dishonest filters restrict the pursuit of improvement…
Filters cause people to become willfully ignorant of their numbers and of the impact their own behaviors are having on the success they desire.”
Of course, the story includes far more than just this excerpt on the importance of HONESTY…
But if you are serious about being coachable, honesty is a vital part of the process.
Interested in learning more about Staying Coachable?
I’d love for you to grab a copy of the book and share it with your team.
And if you are ever looking for a memorable keynote to help your team thrive in change, consider inviting me to share an entertaining message at your next conference.
All progress requires change.
And your willingness to CHANGE will likely follow your decision to ask yourself difficult questions… to be honest about what your current level of performance and impact truly are.
Once you are completely HONEST about where you are, you will be more aware of the need to do something differently. And awareness is a powerful catalyst for growth.
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