6 Simple Strategies You Need to Know for a Better WFH Experience

While working from home, or working remotely, used to be an alien concept for most organizations and professionals, it’s now the prevailing work setup thanks to worldly events — namely the COVID-19 pandemic. At one time it was reserved for freelancers, small business owners, and creatives, but the work from home (WFH) space is now dominated by professions you wouldn’t expect to see, such as programming or development.
It has presented unique opportunities but also takes some getting used to, especially for software engineers. Luckily, there are some programming tips, or work from home tips, rather, that can help sustain productivity and prevent burnout. If you’re getting ready to work from home, or already are, and want some need-to-know tips on getting a better experience, you’ve come to the right place.
Get Another Monitor or Two
The more monitors the merrier, because you’ll have more screen space to work with, allowing you to multi-task and keep more windows or applications active. Monitors don’t affect technical performance, of course, but they certainly improve productivity and convenience.
Software engineers, developers, and even IT personnel working from home will undoubtedly have a plethora of applications that need to remain open at once, from communication and chat tools to workflows, automation, and beyond. Being able to keep them open on a secondary monitor is an absolute game-changer.
It’s also worth noting that monitors can be used with both desktops and laptops, so even if you have a company-issued laptop, you can (and should) still use an additional monitor.
Get a Mechanical Keyboard
You’ll be doing a lot of typing, and that can be challenging on a low-profile keyboard, like the kind you’d find on your average laptop. Cue mechanical keyboards. Not only are the keys much more satisfying to use, and clicky, but they’re also springy so you can type faster. It’s one of those things you may not “get” until you use a mechanical keyboard, but once you do, you’ll never go back.
An external mouse is another good addition, and it is preferred to a laptop trackpad or similar control scheme.
Communicate Often
When you’re first learning how to code and starting to work with programming languages, whether you’re teaching yourself or following a more traditional curriculum, communication is of paramount importance.
You pick this up pretty quickly while asking for advice or guidance from peers and teachers, and interacting with online communities. But it’s something that a lot of developers forget as they enter the workforce and the professional world, and working in a remote or isolated setup can compound that factor.
Coding is like a team sport, so communicate often and well. In fact, it’s not possible to over-communicate when you’re working remotely or with a distributed team. There are so many different programming languages, tools, paradigms, workflows, and job descriptions — for example, front-end vs. back-end developers — that you’re just not going to know it all, and you’ll need support.
In short, even the best of the best out there need to lean on friends and colleagues at times, and it’s an excellent way to stave off burnout.
Establish a Healthy Work-Life Balance
With operations going remote, there’s a lot more talk these days about creating a healthy work-life balance, and remembering to take time for yourself. But what does that actually look like? How do you pull yourself away from your computer and desk?
As trivial as it sounds, the best way to ensure you’re living a healthy lifestyle is to treat your WFH opportunity as a conventional job. Wake up early, shower, and get dressed like you would if you were going into the office. Make sure to eat, hydrate, and take frequent breaks. Work an actual schedule, and when it’s time to clock out for the day, get up and get away from your work computer or desk, and don’t go back.
When you’re not far from your office or workstation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of diving in for a few minutes or more at a time in the after-hours — it’s right there! Just don’t do it. Do the best you can to avoid emails after-hours, and power down your body. Go exercise, watch some TV, relax, build a gaming PC, and play some games, or whatever it is you like to do. Make an active effort to stay away from your WFH space.

Luckily, there are some programming tips, or work from home tips, rather, that can help sustain productivity and prevent burnout.
Create an Itinerary
Use a formal itinerary, checklist, to-do app, or whatever floats your boat, to track your daily activities and productivity.
When you sit down, and before you get really busy, try to list out the things you want to accomplish during your day. As you work your way through the tasks, be sure to mark that you’ve completed them, and roll over any items that you don’t get to. This keeps you organized, but it also provides a visual representation of everything you’re achieving, which can provide extra motivation.
It also helps when you need to turn your mind off at the end of the day, because you can see just how much you got done and how productive you were with your time. That’s incredibly important when you’re in programming, development, or IT, all of which constantly have new tasks and things to do. That full list is going to be endless, so you’ll want a frame of reference for how far you’ve gotten and what’s being done.
Skill Up
Don’t forget to invest some time in yourself and your talents. To clarify, you should continue your training by learning new languages and concepts, reviewing materials, and much more. Maybe set aside some time to take that free online course you’ve been thinking about? Try out a project with a new language or framework. Get certified in a skill or standard that you’ll need to advance your career.
It’s easier to do when you have downtime, but if you don’t, you’ll want to set aside time specifically for this venture. The only constant in the world of programming is change, and to be ready for it, you need to be growing as a professional and a programmer.
Programming Tips for Working From Home Productively
Arguably one of the most important programming tips you can leverage relies on the smart and productive use of your time. More specifically, thanks to your WFH space, you get to shave a lot of downtime off your day, like your morning and evening commutes. You reclaim that time for yourself. So use it wisely!
Spend time with family and friends, and get a little socialization. Work in an exercise routine so you can get in some cardio and get your heart going. Go for a walk with a furry companion. Take some time to relax and enjoy an adult beverage or a wholesome meal.
The point is, use that extra time you’ve earned for yourself by working remotely and spend it away from work and programming in general. Get away from the code to prevent burnout, give your eyes a rest, and recharge your mind. When you return to work, you’ll be even better off for it.
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