Build a Culture of Respect

When employees experience respect and validation, they bring their best. They take the initiative, collaborate effortlessly, and go the extra mile for customers.

Leadership: Team Development

Great leaders understand that a core part of their role is to develop their team for both the present and the future.

When Will Everything Make Sense

The best among us make numerous mistakes each day, while the worst commit the most unspeakable atrocities.

Struggling with Performance Management? Here’s How to Turn It Around

If your team isn’t opening up about challenges, they might not feel safe to do so. A lot of managers don’t realize that their employees might be holding back because they fear judgment.

Succession Planning in the Public Sector: Ensuring a Smooth Transition to Younger Leadership

With a structured approach to leadership transitions, organizations achieve smooth operations, knowledge retention and increased public interest.

Building a Secure Future: Retirement Planning Tips for Public Sector Employees

Public-sector employees typically have access to various retirement plans, notably defined benefit pension plans

What is Art?

What is Art?

In the movie, Mona Lisa Smile, Julia Roberts plays Katherine Ann Watson, a new faculty member at Wellesley College, teaching a course on the ‘History of Art’.  Sensing a significant energy and tension among the students, Watson arrives one day to present a specific...

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The Cycle of Life

The Cycle of Life

I hugged my eldest son, Christy, two weeks ago, probably for the first time. He was about to disappear through the departure gates to board a flight to Dubai and begin a new chapter of his life with Emirate Airlines. Grown men don’t often embrace but we both knew this...

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A Side-By-Side Boss

A Side-By-Side Boss

In the CBS television show, Undercover Boss, senior leaders in these companies learn about the work lives that their employees experience, although in an unusual and perhaps somewhat directed, way. But the concept is solid. In the high performance, values-aligned...

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Is Your Workforce Engaged?

Is Your Workforce Engaged?

According to a recent Gallup study, a mere 30 percent of the workforce is engaged. So if 30 percent of your employees are engaged, 70 percent are disengaged. Additional research by Gallup reveals that engaged workers are the most innovative. As if motivating employees...

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