Well-Being Matters

So, the ‘Festive Season’ is over, and the time has come to implement your professional and personal plans made with gusto and fervor on New Year’s Eve.

Government Efficiency and Its Unexpected Direct Impacts on Jobseekers

Job seekers should stay informed and anticipate changes by monitoring policy discussions and budget proposals that affect federal hiring.

How to Know if You Have a True Team or a Just Collection of Individuals Working in Silos

Leadership goes beyond assigning tasks or measuring individual accomplishments; it’s about cultivating a team that thrives on collaboration, shared purpose, and mutual support.

The Urgency of Succession Planning in Public Agencies

Unlike the private sector, public agencies operate within unique constraints from budget limitations to complex bureaucratic procedures.

Improving Retention in Public Sector Roles With Cross-Generational Support

Mentoring is critical for helping people who hope to land and be successful in public sector roles. Similarly, it could keep people motivated to achieve their goals.

Finding the Sweet Spot for a Better Work Environment

As a leader, it’s your job to nurture that environment by showing respect, providing validation, and giving your team the power to influence the workplace culture.

They’re Playing Our Song

They’re Playing Our Song

During this current political campaign season, and some others in recent years, we’ve seen several recording artists who have balked at the use of a particular song they have recorded when is has been used at a political rally.  As recently as this summer, for...

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How to Achieve Lasting Success

How to Achieve Lasting Success

Fifty percent of this year is gone. Question, have you reached 50 percent or half of your goals? If one of your goals is to be successful in any area of your life or career before 2016 comes to an end, the one thing you must to do is to become an attractive person....

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What is Art?

What is Art?

In the movie, Mona Lisa Smile, Julia Roberts plays Katherine Ann Watson, a new faculty member at Wellesley College, teaching a course on the ‘History of Art’.  Sensing a significant energy and tension among the students, Watson arrives one day to present a specific...

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