5 Secrets to Getting a Great Performance Appraisal
There are a lot of reasons performance appraisals can get wonky. Managers who don’t take the time to get the input they need or are just not paying attention; Forced stack ranks that have glowing words, and a “meets requirements” rating because there were too many other “exceptional” exceptional players in the mix; Or a boss who says, “You write it, I’ll sign it.”
7 Learning Habits to Thrive in a Chaotic World
A paradigm shift is happening today about the meaning of work, what a job is, what it means to be an employee, and the changing nature of a working life. We are working and living longer, so it’s crazy to think of education as a single decade at the beginning of our lives when we might have seven or eight more!
Making Better Margins
Many years ago, I enjoyed an all-too-brief read of Max De Pree’s, Leadership is an Art. In that book, De Pree encourages readers to ‘make the book your own’ by interacting with it, including the active writing along the pages’ edge with responses to key and significant concepts an author proposes or illustrates.
Expert Advice to Ensure a Superior Interview Process
I was speaking with a client, which led to an interesting discussion about illegal hiring questions and topics. As a Career Coach, I think about this from candidate’s perspective but as an HR Consultant, I also consider it from an organizational viewpoint as well. So, what are some of the illegal topics?
Customer Service Excellence
As the domestic United States’ economy becomes increasingly focused on service industries away from manufacturing, local governments will continue to be compared to for-profit businesses and the way they treat customers.
The Postage Stamp & How to Finally Overcome Fear
Consider the postage stamp. It travels to far and distant lands. It leaves its family (the rest of the book of stamps it was plucked from) and it never sees them again. I’m sure that is fearful for the stamp, but it knows that it has a job to do. It stares fear in the face and forges on. If the postage stamp can do it, you can too.
Information Governance Insights: Out with the Old and in with the New
If there is one constant in life it’s that change is inevitable. This axiom is painfully obvious when dealing with technology. There is not a week that goes by where our phones do not have a multitude of updates.
The Boss Who Has Your Back
She smiled for the first time that day. It was the start to a beautiful mentoring relationship. She
always had my back after that day. I learned a valuable lesson on leadership in that awful,
horrible day. The VP who initially had her back firmly against the wall in a defensive posture
took the time to think things through and took a risk on a naïve, but passionate kid. It made all
the difference for me.
Do You Know Your Value? Why Self-Belief Matters
One of the factors for job and career success is the value you add. Sometimes you can quantify it, like exceeding targets or the increase in dollars from implementing a creative idea. Other times it’s more intangible, like how you make people feel and the support you give as a valued colleague.
Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet
A key question to ask related to succession planning is, why are you doing it? Another question might be, what do you want the successors to be prepared to do? These two questions fit well together and if they are both not answered with the best thinking you can muster, your succession planning effort could be just checking another box in your organizational life.
Stanislaus County Offering Exciting Incentives to Nurses
Stanislaus County is a remarkable community that features fantastic educational opportunities to help you grow, flexible work schedules that help you maintain a comfortable work/home balance, a wide range of entertainment choices when you’re ready for a little rest and relaxation, and versatile health services outlets that enable you to pursue the career of your dreams while making a real difference in the lives of people from all walks of life.
Westminster Police Department Offering $10,000 Bonuses for Qualifying Officers
Westminster Police Department has announced that it will now be offering impressive $10,000 signing bonuses to qualifying lateral police officers in an attempt to attract experienced men and women to fill respected positions within the agency.
Leadership Development: What Happens Between Class and the Job?
Leadership development and the application of what is learned is critical to the success of any organization and is critically important to a service organization.
You Got Promoted! You’re Now A Leader!
You have worked hard at developing your career and won a promotion, a junior leadership role. Well done! All you have to do is work hard in this new job and your future in leadership is assured! That’s the plan.
How to Coach Yourself for Career Growth
You want to get from A to B in your life. However, sometimes you don’t know where you are or where you’re going.
Oh, Those Irritating Coworkers. (Are You One?)
You have those annoying coworkers. But did you ever consider that you may BE one?
Six Secrets of Successful Mentoring
Mentoring at its best is a magical elixir which shaves years off your learning curve through mistakes unmade. Thank God, we’ve experienced the transformational spirit of amazing mentors.
Expert Advice and Strategies for Successful Negotiations
Negotiation is an important subject for women in their careers, whether they are job searching, seeking a promotion, or just wanting to learn this skill. I find that this is one of the most difficult topics for women to understand and act on appropriately.