Well-Being Matters

So, the ‘Festive Season’ is over, and the time has come to implement your professional and personal plans made with gusto and fervor on New Year’s Eve.

Government Efficiency and Its Unexpected Direct Impacts on Jobseekers

Job seekers should stay informed and anticipate changes by monitoring policy discussions and budget proposals that affect federal hiring.

How to Know if You Have a True Team or a Just Collection of Individuals Working in Silos

Leadership goes beyond assigning tasks or measuring individual accomplishments; it’s about cultivating a team that thrives on collaboration, shared purpose, and mutual support.

The Urgency of Succession Planning in Public Agencies

Unlike the private sector, public agencies operate within unique constraints from budget limitations to complex bureaucratic procedures.

Improving Retention in Public Sector Roles With Cross-Generational Support

Mentoring is critical for helping people who hope to land and be successful in public sector roles. Similarly, it could keep people motivated to achieve their goals.

Finding the Sweet Spot for a Better Work Environment

As a leader, it’s your job to nurture that environment by showing respect, providing validation, and giving your team the power to influence the workplace culture.

5 Secrets to Getting a Great Performance Appraisal

5 Secrets to Getting a Great Performance Appraisal

There are a lot of reasons performance appraisals can get wonky. Managers who don’t take the time to get the input they need or are just not paying attention; Forced stack ranks that have glowing words, and a “meets requirements” rating because there were too many other “exceptional” exceptional players in the mix; Or a boss who says, “You write it, I’ll sign it.”

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Making Better Margins

Making Better Margins

Many years ago, I enjoyed an all-too-brief read of Max De Pree’s, Leadership is an Art. In that book, De Pree encourages readers to ‘make the book your own’ by interacting with it, including the active writing along the pages’ edge with responses to key and significant concepts an author proposes or illustrates.

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The Postage Stamp & How to Finally Overcome Fear

The Postage Stamp & How to Finally Overcome Fear

Consider the postage stamp. It travels to far and distant lands. It leaves its family (the rest of the book of stamps it was plucked from) and it never sees them again. I’m sure that is fearful for the stamp, but it knows that it has a job to do. It stares fear in the face and forges on. If the postage stamp can do it, you can too.

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The Boss Who Has Your Back

The Boss Who Has Your Back

She smiled for the first time that day. It was the start to a beautiful mentoring relationship. She
always had my back after that day. I learned a valuable lesson on leadership in that awful,
horrible day. The VP who initially had her back firmly against the wall in a defensive posture
took the time to think things through and took a risk on a naïve, but passionate kid. It made all
the difference for me.

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Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

A key question to ask related to succession planning is, why are you doing it? Another question might be, what do you want the successors to be prepared to do? These two questions fit well together and if they are both not answered with the best thinking you can muster, your succession planning effort could be just checking another box in your organizational life.

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Stanislaus County Offering Exciting Incentives to Nurses

Stanislaus County Offering Exciting Incentives to Nurses

Stanislaus County is a remarkable community that features fantastic educational opportunities to help you grow, flexible work schedules that help you maintain a comfortable work/home balance, a wide range of entertainment choices when you’re ready for a little rest and relaxation, and versatile health services outlets that enable you to pursue the career of your dreams while making a real difference in the lives of people from all walks of life.

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