How State and Local Government Can Help Close the Digital Divide
The digital divide is a complicated problem, and there is no silver bullet to close the gap and deliver internet access to everyone.
The Refinement Cycle and Your Culture
Intentional culture refinement works. It has helped clients create purposeful, positive, productive work cultures for the last 25 years.
How to Stop Employee Drama With Compassionate Accountability
Coming down hard on employees or expecting them to fend for themselves when they complain is equally damaging.
How To Make A Swift Comeback From a Layoff
Losing your job is a traumatic event. It also consists of the fear of what to do next and a loss of identity that is part of your career.
The Great Resignation
Often a lack of engagement with employees is usually a sure sign that a toxic culture is in place. This often stems from senior leadership.
The Growing Issue of Workplace Violence
Stay safe and remember the fundamental principle of business your employees and teams are your greatest resource, so treat them well.
The Value of Receiving Feedback in One’s Place of Employment
When workers have the sense that they are a part of the organization, they are more likely to get involved with the beliefs and goals.
How Can Government Recruit and Retain Talent?
State and local governments should consider enhancing communications to employees on the value of the benefits that they provide.
Define these Four Elements to Change Your Work Culture
Define, align, and refine – these are the elements that make up our proven three-phase culture refinement process.
The Truth About Toxic Workplaces: What to Do
A toxic work environment makes you feel psychologically unsafe. You feel like you could be punished or rejected at any unknown time.
Leadership and Governance Matter
For leaders and for those aspiring to leadership, the pursuit of excellence in leadership and governance, should not be an ambitious pipe dream.
Have You Forgotten How to Connect with People?
Meeting new people can be a challenge. Know that others are likely just as nervous to speak with people that they don’t know.
Why Relocating for a Government Job is Worth It
Government agencies are constantly targeted by cyber terrorists and spies. People who want to access government systems take information.
Government Needs to Fill One Million Jobs
Since the start of the COVID crisis, millions of older workers – 55 and over – voluntarily or involuntarily left their jobs.
Two Things Remote or Hybrid Team Leaders Can Do to Build an Exceptional Workplace Culture
As a remote or hybrid team leader, you NEED to invest in building and sustaining an exceptional team culture.
The Role of Responsible Leadership in Combating Workplace Burnout
Workplace burnout doesn’t discriminate. Any employee in any role in any industry can experience burnout at some point.
Intentional Pursuit of a Healthy Work Culture
Creating an uncompromising work experience that drives tangible business results doesn’t happen without intentional pursuit.
5 Tips to Design a Long-term Recruiting Strategy
Engaging employees for the long term, and creating a positive environment for them, will help you expand your talent pool.