One Fee, unlimited postings

For one flat annual fee, your agency will have unlimited job postings.

Integration with your website

We drive job seekers to your employment page to follow your application process

We feature your agency

Your agency will be featured in our monthly newsletter, GOV TALK

We feature your city

There will be a featured article about your City/State/County on our Location Spotlight page, linking back to your profile page

No Extra work

We automatically “pull” jobs from your employment page and market them on our website, our private sector job board partners and all major social media channels where we reach 15+ million job seekers monthly, giving your jobs a potential reach of 35+ million job seekers per month.

(As jobs are added, edited or deleted, the same will happen on our end)

We have been pleased with Careers in Governments service and willingness to work with our HR team . I view this service as one on many ways to reach
candidates, particularly technology, and find the social media component to
be quite valuable.

David Stevens

CIO, Maricopa County OET

Careers in Government customer service and results oriented postings allowed me to present evidence of the value of marketing. In other words, you earned the contract and should be proud of your business model.

Bernie Licata

HR Manager, Stanislaus County Probation Department

I highly recommend Careersingovernment.com as the premiere resource to target candidates seeking employment with the Public sector. They have the unique ability to market my vacancies citywide via the job board and social media channels.

Ed Wong

Recruitment and Talent Management Specialist, County of San Francisco

Peckham & McKenney has advertised career opportunities with Careers in Government for many years and have always found them to provide strong customer service in a timely manner. We feel they are an effective resource in serving our advertising needs.

Bobbi C. Peckham

President, Peckham & McKenney


Ready to get started or just need more information? Just call us or drop us a line and we’ll contact you right away

Unlimited Annual questions form

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