Social Media Week is a worldwide event exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media. Our mission is to help people and organizations connect through collaboration, learning and the sharing of ideas and information.
In just under five years, Social Media Week has become a platform and a community that has grown to more than 100k members in 26 cities around the world.
“Together with our amazing partners and our growing community, we are passionate about accelerating our understanding of social media’s role in society. We recognize that through collaboration we can deepen our knowledge, share ideas and inspire each other to take full advantage of the incredible opportunities in front of us.” – Toby Daniels, Founder & Executive Director, Social Media Week
There is an innate feeling in all of us to achieve progress, to advance, to solve problems. Emerging technologies have changed how we communicate and how we engage with the world around us. One voice can now ripple to millions and we can now share our passions openly and across cultural and geographic boundaries.
Change is happening everywhere. Startups are disrupting entire industries and scaling their businesses globally. Tyranny, injustice and unethical behavior are being exposed around the world. Groups are self organizing to take positive action. Transparency, accountability, information sharing, and collaboration are accelerating progress to levels never before seen.
In 2013 Social Media Week celebrates it fifth year of operation and intends to mark this milestone with a unifying global theme that will explore openness in a connected and collaborative world.
“Social Media Week does not disappoint. It is a real-world manifestation of some of the best that new technology has to offer – ideas, strategies and insights shared by the people who are shaping the future.” – Ellen McGirt, Senior Writer, Fast Company.
“Social Media Week is a truly global phenomenon—showcasing borderless brands and communications, via the power of social media. We are proud to have been an integral partner—with PepsiCo employees contributing to discussions and idea exchanges on three continents and there, demonstrating the depth and breadth to which digital media is permeating our company.”
– Bonin Bough, Global Director of Social and Digital Media for PepsiCo.
Social Media Week
Social Media WeekBiography
Social Media Week is a worldwide event exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media. Our mission is to help people and organizations connect through collaboration, learning and the sharing of ideas and information.
In just under five years, Social Media Week has become a platform and a community that has grown to more than 100k members in 26 cities around the world.
There is an innate feeling in all of us to achieve progress, to advance, to solve problems. Emerging technologies have changed how we communicate and how we engage with the world around us. One voice can now ripple to millions and we can now share our passions openly and across cultural and geographic boundaries.
Change is happening everywhere. Startups are disrupting entire industries and scaling their businesses globally. Tyranny, injustice and unethical behavior are being exposed around the world. Groups are self organizing to take positive action. Transparency, accountability, information sharing, and collaboration are accelerating progress to levels never before seen.
In 2013 Social Media Week celebrates it fifth year of operation and intends to mark this milestone with a unifying global theme that will explore openness in a connected and collaborative world.