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Photo of Roberts Consulting Group

Roberts Consulting Group

Contact: Valerie Roberts
Work P.O. Box 1127 Rancho Mirage CA 92270 USAWork Phone: (424) 522-2251Website: Website


Norm Roberts pioneered the field of public sector recruiting. Our consultants have successfully recruited thousands of chief executives and senior-level executives for public agencies throughout the United States. We have assisted our clients in finding highly talented individuals with a commitment to serving the public, and our placements are some of the best and brightest in their fields. These individuals play a critical role in how services are provided to the public and how local government, special district and not-for-profit organization resources are utilized, and we take great pride in working with our clients to find the best possible fit.

We have worked for organizations of all sizes, both urban and rural, and in virtually every state in the nation, including the District of Columbia. In addition, we have conducted recruitments in all functional areas within the public sector. A substantial number of our clients have hired us multiple times over a span of many years. While at the present time our clients are limited to California, we are capable of conducting local/regional, statewide or nationwide recruitments.

And, by undertaking only a limited number of recruitments at any one time, we are able to provide the personal service and attention our clients and candidates deserve. Get to know us and let us assist you in finding the next generation of leaders for your organization.

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P.O. Box 1127 Rancho Mirage CA 92270 USA


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