Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Photo of Waldron


Work 1100 Olive Way | Suite 1800 Seattle WA 98101 USAWork Phone: (206) 441-4144Work Fax: (206) 441-5213Website: Website


Waldron is the consulting partner strategic leaders choose to help attract, engage, and inspire effective leaders. We provide a unique combination of executive search, leadership development and career transition services across sectors and industries. Our passion is helping people and organizations realize their full potential and increase their impact.

When your brand reputation is on the line, you can trust Waldron to resolve even the most sensitive talent and management challenges with experience, discretion and insight. We invite you to explore here the range of services best suited to your organization.

There’s one trait we all share at Waldron, an obsession with results. As professionals, our greatest inspiration comes from helping people and organizations realize their full potential. While others talk the talk, we deliver nothing less than real, substantive solutions. Knowing the difference and delivering truly sets us apart.

It’s our privilege to help leaders be as effective and successful as they can be. To this end, we are open and transparent in our communications, and innovative in the solutions we bring to you. We believe that for better or worse, leaders can have a real impact in the lives of those they lead – and that it is our job to enhance your culture by aligning leaders with roles in which they can thrive.

We are passionate about our clients’ work and have a unique appreciation for our Corporate clients and Social Enterprise customers’ needs. Focusing our business intensely on these two key economic and societal engines gives us better ability to help with your solutions, so that whether you fit into one, the other, or both, your experience will lead to the right results for you.



Our consulting services are designed to help organizations realize their full potential and advance their mission. In addition to finding the right leaders through our executive search services, we help you align talent and adjust or refine structure and work processes to enhance the effectiveness of your organization.

We invite you to learn more about our complementary services in these areas:



selected engagements

Casey Family Programscasey_logo

Waldron has worked closely with Casey’s Board of Trustees, with its CEO and Executive Leadership Team and with its operating Directors across the U.S. For the Board, we have facilitated Board retreats, performed the annual CEO evaluation and review and performed a Board governance evaluation. At the CEO’s invitation, we have worked with Casey leadership to develop and implement asuccession planning and management system and are currently integrating a leadership development system over multiple years that will integrate seamlessly with talent acquisition, learning and development and performance management systems.

Woodland Park Zoowpz_logo

Waldron consults to the Zoo’s Board of Directors and to its CEO and leadership team. For the Board, Waldron performs the annual CEO Evaluation and Review and facilitates the annual CEO goal-development effort. Over a number of years, Waldron has performed multiple executive team-member Executive Searches, provided formal Executive Coaching to the CEO, facilitated several leadership team planning retreats, assisted in leadership team reorganization planning and implementation, and helped departing executive team members through career transition coaching. Results of this collaboration include enhanced alignment between the Board and its CEO, improved leadership performance, streamlined and more effective organization structure, and successful performance in Zoo operations, financial management and fund development for significant capital projects.

Pioneer Human ServicesPioneer_logo

Work with PHS has included counsel to its Board of Directors, CEO and leadership team. Pioneer selected Waldron when the Board sought to identify, recruit and hire a new President & CEO through a retained Executive Search. Since the new President & CEO has been in place, Waldron has worked with the CEO and her team to implement improved leadership performance through Executive Coaching360-Degree Assessment Surveys and facilitated leadership development. In a Senior leadership team reorganization, Waldron provided Career Transition Coaching (outplacement) services to impacted executive team members.

King County Library SystemKCLS_logo

Waldron has worked with the Library’s Board of Trustees, Director, senior staff and distributed operating leadership. At the behest of the Director and Board, Waldron was retained to perform an employee survey and organization assessment evaluating the effectiveness of a prior restructuring event. The associated findings, report, and recommendations for actionwere presented to the Director, Board, Staff and public. Waldron was subsequently retained to consult with Library system leadership, senior staff and operating managers to develop and implement a first-ever-nationally Library Annual Service Priorities process that engages staff at all levels to developspecific and measurable operating plans aligned with Library strategic service priorities. Waldron has additionally performed the Director’s Annual Evaluation and review for the Board.

King County ElectionsMLK_logo

King County Elections was faced with highly-controversial public accusations of poor execution following a very close State election in which the leading candidates’ differential vote count fell within the statistical margin of error, requiring multiple hand recounts and fraught with candidate litigation. After a publicly-appointed commission recommended that a “turnaround” consultant be named to implement change within the Elections division, Waldron was selected as the consultant to develop and implement a comprehensiveorganization effectiveness plan. Waldron worked with the division on organization design in developing restructured workflow mapping enabling elections that are now 100% vote-by-mail. The organization effectiveness plan also included extensive Executive Coaching for the division’s 15 senior leaders, consulting to the Director and the team on team effectiveness through retreat and meeting facilitation and specific consulting with all senior leaders on change management as the Divisionrestructured and reorganized to deliver flawless elections administration currently. When the Director of Elections departed the organization for another professional opportunity, Waldron was retained to perform a successful Executive Search for the current Elections Division Director.

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