Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Photo of Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Contact: Tina Nicolai
Work Phone: (407) 578-1697Website: Website


Career Services

The following Career Services are available for executive and professional level clients.

Profile Assessments:

  • DISC Profile Assessment. Your behavior, communication style and hot buttons can make or break you at work. DISCover your natural strengths and talents. Uncover your opportunities and take charge of navigating your future.
  • Personal Branding REACH 360°. You are a walking advertisement for you.  Are you marketing YOU as you would others to see you? Learn how colors work for or against you. Uncover your Personal Brand through the REACH 360° System.
  • Lominger/Korn Ferry Interview Architect Assessment. Are you interviewing with a company that uses the Lominger FYI Competency Leadership Program? If so, you may want to consider a coaching session prior to your interview. Certified in Lominger/Korn Ferry Interview Architect System.
General Career POWER HOUR COACHING sessions:
  • Behavioral Interview Coaching. Learn how to answer the most ambiguous of all interview questions through behavioral interview coaching.
  • Accountability Coaching. Procrastinator? Analysis paralysis? Perhaps you need an accountability coach.
  • Networking Coaching. Turn your networking challenges into an expansive interface in-person and through social media.
  • Social Media and Networking. Learn the tips and tricks of maximizing your Linedin profile.
  • DISC Profile Assessment Analysis. Dig deep into ‘why’ behind your behavior at work.  Take your DISC profile to new depths by DISCovering how you can become a better leader, colleague, and contributing executive.
  • Career Planning. Secure in your current position? Contemplating the future? It’s never too early to plan your next step.
  • Overcoming Conflict at Work. Whether you are experiencing conflict or a team member, we can help. Identifying triggers and open communication are just a few strategies to move beyond the conflict and into productivity.
  • 911 Support (any work related topic covered). In a lurch, feeling badly about your work day, week, month or year? 911 Support available.
  • On-boarding Support. 90-day support provided while you transition to your new role, new leaders, new subordinates, and new company culture.


Meet the Team


Tina Kashlak Nicolai, CEO and Founder

Tina’s background as a classically trained human resources executive, full cycle recruiter, and journalist, deliver a strategic and comprehensive approach to building executive and professional career portfolios.  She brings her clients a strategic, trifecta approach:
  • HR hiring leader expertise = Fortune 100 footprint
  • Full cycle recruiting = 15+ years
  • Journalistic drive = digging for facts through interviewing and writing with industry specific “key” words for maximum reach. 
Tina made her corporate career mark in human resources, full cycle recruiting/hiring, and strategic marketing with May Company, Eddie Bauer, Walt Disney World, Disney Stores, and Pacific Sunwear. Her early career journalism career is rooted in the KDKA-radio newsroom in Pittsburgh, PA. Tina is a published contributor in numerous career books, magazines, and career websites.  
Certifications – Education include:
*Certified Advanced Resume Writer CARW Through CDI (Career Directors International)
*Professional Human Resources Certification (PHR) through HRCI and SHRM (Society of HR Management)
*Interview Architect by Lominger/Korn Ferry
*Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA) DISC Profiling Pro System
*(dual degree) Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism – Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
*Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts – Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Professional Affiliations:
A member in good standing with the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM), National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), and Career Directors International (CDI).
*Currently serving as a volunteer with the NRWA as Marketing Chairperson.
*Volunteered with CDI on the annual Conference Planning Committee and International Committee-3 years.
*Central Florida Chamber of Commerce-member.
In 2008, Tina was selected to be a Judge for The World’s Best Resume Writer Competition; the first worldwide competition of it’s kind in the professional resume writing industry sponsored by Career Directors International.  In 2011 and 2012, Tina won nominations for Best Creative Resume, placing in the top 5 worldwide amongst her peers. She blends science with art, creating rich key text with visual appeal.
It takes more than a resume to get a job in today’s economy. Your resume must stand out, be well written with accomplishments, and tell your story through a visual interpretation of your personal branding.
CEO’s, executives, professionals, and college graduates gravitate to Tina and her team, nationwide. “Our client base includes industry leaders in: marketing, direct sales, technology, nursing, hospital administration, sales, operations, engineering,  finance, culinary, cruise line, hospitality, wedding planning, food and beverage, media, entrepreneurs, human resources, and retail to name a few.

Tina’s Giving Back:

Pet rescue in her local community. Three of her fur family, boast credentials on their resumes as Pet Visitation Pals. (Yes, the family pets do have resumes!) Children, elderly and patients of all ages delight when Buddy, Ginger, or Rusty (cat) show up to share unconditional support. Everybody wins! Tina also supports the FIRST Robotics organization offering STEM students resume and career tips through presentations and one-on-one coaching. She has volunteered at the annual World Championship event held in St. Louis, Missouri and Atlanta, Georgia, as a key team member in “the Pits.”  

 Amanda Conradie, Professional Resume Writer

Amanda is an experienced writer, trainer, hiring leader, and interviewer. She has interviewed hundreds of individuals in her career and understands how to identify skills and competencies to meet the specifications of the job requirements. Amanda’s technical writing ability is a natural fit with Resume Writers’ Ink. She is featured as a columnist and blog contributor posting tips, strategies, and advice on leadership, professionalism, and current hot topics relevant to retail and service industry professionals.  Her passion is leading through motivation and mutual respect. 


While working full-time, she earned a Bachelors of Science degree from Bellevue University in Communication.  She recently finished her Masters degree in Educational Technology Leadership from The George Washington University. 



Give a busy person responsibility and they will get the job done!



Wearing many hats is second nature for Amanda. She is the founder of Tutoring by Amanda where she provides literacy tutoring to students. She joined the Resume

Writers’ Ink team as a Technical Writing Intern last year and was asked to stay as a Professional Resume Writer after her internship ended.  Amanda’s experience in retail leadership boasts, making her mark at many well-known retailers. 


Amanda’s Giving Back:


Through community efforts.  She has volunteered with causes such as Hospice, The Literacy Coalition, and the Palm Beach County Library System.  Amanda recently completed a Habitat for Humanity Global Village trip to El Salvador in November 2012.  She also participates in running events benefiting many local and national charities. 


Maria Mendel, Professional Resume Writer

Maria Mendel is a classically trained Human Resources professional with 13+ years of experience in training, recruitment, employee referral and process improvement.  Working alongside leaders at companies such as The Walt Disney World Resort, Darden Restaurants and Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Maria honed her communication skills, gained strategic planning acumen and built effective working relationships.

Maria holds a certification in behavioral interviewing through Development Dimensions International (DDI) which provides a unique perspective regarding what employers want to see on a resume and what they hope to learn in an interview.  Having a background in full staffing life cycle enables Maria to work with clients from application-to-hire. Maria envelopes her extraordinary relationship skills and marketing into her projects providing increased confidence to her clientele. 

Maria’s Giving Back:

To the community through her exemplary business skills. Her pay-it-forward for the greater good can be seen in both traditional non-profit volunteering as well as through day-to-day organic caring and sharing.  As Board President of Dress for Success Greater Orlando, Maria supported women in their efforts to re-enter the workforce and as the leader of a local giving circle, she’s involved in supporting causes such as homelessness, Race For The Cure, and the environment.


Faye J. Hickman, Ph.D., Blogger

Faye Hickman has worked in the high-tech industry both professionally and academically for 20-years.  In San Jose, California she received a Master’s Degree in Communications and Human Resource Management from San Jose State University.  At University Park, Pennsylvania she received a Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University, in Workforce Education and Development with a concentration in Human Resource consulting-recruiting/staffing.  Faye has consulted with C-level clients at:  IBM, General Electric, Sun Micro Systems, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Proctor & Gamble, John Hopkins University, San Jose State University, Morgan State University and The Pennsylvania State University.




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