Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Photo of Peckham & McKenney

Peckham & McKenney

Contact: Bobbi C. Peckham & Phil McKenney
Work 300 Harding Boulevard, Ste. 106-E Roseville CA 95678 Work Phone: 866-912-1919Work Fax: 916-771-7501Website: Website


Peckham & McKenney provides Executive Search and Consulting services to local government agencies throughout the Western United States and is headquartered in Sacramento, CA. The firm was established as a partnership in June 2004 by Bobbi Peckham and Phil McKenney and is supported by an experienced administrative staff.

Peckham & McKenney was established on the premise that an executive search and consulting firm must be dedicated to providing its clients and candidates with professional service, as well as a personal, hands-on approach. Our business philosophy centers upon the understanding that this is a “people” related industry and that attention to others’ needs is the key to providing effective customer service. Not only are we committed to providing our clients with well-qualified candidates, but we also take pride in treating both our clients and candidates with utmost respect. This commitment has lead to multi-year retainer agreements with a number of agencies, as well as numerous client and candidate testimonials to their experiences with us.

At Peckham & McKenney, we are committed to local government and sensitive to the challenges and issues faced by our clients. As such, we participate in ICMA’s Friends of the Profession Program and the Cal-ICMA Preparing the Next Generation Committee. In addition, we actively support and participate in the Municipal Management Association of Northern California and Southern California and have recently been selected to oversee their newly created Credentialed Government Leader program.



Bobbi Peckham is one of the West Coast’s leading local government recruiters and has 28 years of experience in local government and executive recruitment.

Ms. Peckham began her career in the public sector in Naperville, Illinois, where she became familiar with all aspects of local government. Ms. Peckham was then recruited to join the Executive Search practice of a leading California recruitment firm. Later, she played an integral role in creating a national search business for what became the largest recruitment practice serving local government in the country. Here, she became Regional Director overseeing Northern California and a nine-state region.

In 2001, Ms. Peckham was invited to implement a public sector search practice for a Sacramento-based, private sector firm. With its significant success and her outstanding track record on local government placements, she chose to form her own search firm in partnership with Phil McKenney in 2004. Ms. Peckham has personally conducted hundreds of national searches throughout the Western United States. She has extensive experience working with City Councils, Executive Boards, and local government administrators, listening to and understanding their needs in executive level placements.

Ms. Peckham received a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. She is a contributing member of the International City/County Management Association, Cal-ICMA, Women Leading Government, Municipal Management Association of Southern California, and Municipal Management Association of Northern California. In addition to serving on Cal-ICMA’s Preparing the Next Generation Committee, Ms. Peckham was instrumental in writing the ICMA’s Job Hunting Handbook for Local Government Professionals. She currently serves on the Planning Committee for the Annual Women’s Leadership Summit, managing all aspects of the event’s treasured Executive Roundtable Discussions. These roles not only enhance her presence in local government but speak to her strong reputation of integrity within the industry.

Phil McKenney has over 35 years’ management experience and is very familiar with local government agencies, having led a county organization and having worked with numerous city governments and special districts.

Mr. McKenney began his career in the resort and hospitality industry and served in executive management positions with Martha’s Vineyard as well as Keystone Resort in Colorado. Mr. McKenney later took over the helm of the Summit County Chamber of Commerce as their Executive Director. This hybrid-Chamber was the only countywide organization responsible for marketing all of Summit County, Colorado, home to Breckenridge, Keystone, and Copper Mountain resorts. Through his leadership and collaborative style, and working with the cities and county within Summit County, he led the Chamber to being a readily recognized and well-respected organization within Colorado and the Western United States.

Mr. McKenney was then selected by Placer County, California to lead the merger of the North Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce and the North Tahoe Visitors and Convention Bureau into the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association. The Resort Association is now a proactive, nationally recognized organization whose model of governance is being replicated in numerous resort communities across the western United States.

Mr. McKenney joined Ms. Peckham as an executive recruiter in January 2003 and in partnership with her formed Peckham & McKenney in June 2004.  He has personally conducted dozens of national recruitments such as Town Manager, Town of Vail, Colorado; City Manager, City of Sedona, Arizona; Community Manager, The Sea Ranch, California; County Administrator, Teton County, Jackson, Wyoming; City Manager, City of Durango, Colorado; General Manager, North Tahoe Public Utility District, Kings Beach, California; and numerous public safety and department head positions as well, many for the same clients listed here.

Mr. McKenney has an undergraduate degree in Recreation from Slippery Rock State College as well as a Master of Business Administration from the University of Denver.


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300 Harding Boulevard, Ste. 106-E Roseville CA 95678


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