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About is a free online resource for college bound students. We are a search directory offering information for over 6,500 colleges, universities and trade schools. The data provided is gathered from various sources, including federal and state departments of education as well as private sources. The data collected is organized into national, state, and college profile pages, making it easier to access information for our users.


Each school profile contains information on admissions, tuition and financial aid, degrees offered, athletics and more. Degree and career guides are also available, offering complete overviews of the program or career, answers to commonly asked questions and listings of colleges that provide the desired degree. Visitors are encouraged to comment on profiles to provide future students information from a personal perspective.


The home page provides various methods for navigating the site. Visitors can choose to select a state, degree program, or career. Once chosen, the visitor is presented a list of schools sorted by type (4 Year Colleges and Universities, Community Colleges, and Trade Colleges) and can begin browsing colleges. Alternately, visitors can enter keywords in the top right search bar to begin their college hunt.

DATA TOOLS also provides a free data API for accessing data on the site. Additional information regarding the API can be found here.


About is a free online resource for college bound students. We are a search directory offering information for over 6,500 colleges, universities and trade schools. The data provided is gathered from various sources, including federal and state departments of education as well as private sources. The data collected is organized into national, state, and college profile pages, making it easier to access information for our users.


Each school profile contains information on admissions, tuition and financial aid, degrees offered, athletics and more. Degree and career guides are also available, offering complete overviews of the program or career, answers to commonly asked questions and listings of colleges that provide the desired degree. Visitors are encouraged to comment on profiles to provide future students information from a personal perspective.


The home page provides various methods for navigating the site. Visitors can choose to select a state, degree program, or career. Once chosen, the visitor is presented a list of schools sorted by type (4 Year Colleges and Universities, Community Colleges, and Trade Colleges) and can begin browsing colleges. Alternately, visitors can enter keywords in the top right search bar to begin their college hunt.

DATA TOOLS also provides a free data API for accessing data on the site. Additional information regarding the API can be found here.


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