Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
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Contact: Jason Gray
Work Phone: 972-885-6472Website: Website


Jason Gray is an experienced local government professional based in who has led teams in the role of City Manager and Assistant City Manager for over 15 years.  In his role as City Manager, he was able to lead teams in accomplishing a wide variety of financial, economic development, organizational, and technical breakthroughs. Jason’s experience as the Chief Executive Officer of two high-growth, high-quality of life communities (City Manager of Money Magazine’s #1 Best Place to Live in America-McKinney, Texas and City Manager of Celina, Texas) as well as his years as an Assistant City Manager in Frisco, Texas has provided Jason with a remarkable perspective to help communities succeed at the highest levels.

Helping communities create an extremely high quality of life alongside a sustainable fiscal position has always driven Jason to help others comprehend the short and long-term impact of proposed projects.  By use of creative public/private partnerships, strategic goal alignment, and the application of useful technology, Jason and his teams have consistently delivered solutions to communities’ most complex problems.

Jason holds a Master of Public Service Administration degree from the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.  Jason founded the JDGray Group LLC in 2014 and is dedicated to providing the highest quality consulting services to your community to help you maximize its potential.


We have designed the JDGray Group with one purpose in mind – to help local governments solve problems.  We are driven by the same desire to serve communities that you are.  We work within the focus areas (see below), but we also partner with other like-minded groups that specialize in other areas – so please don’t hesitate to call us with any issue that you are facing.


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