Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Photo of Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Work 2231 Crystal Drive Suite 450 Arlington VA 22202 Work Phone: (202) 371-9090Work Fax: (571) 527-3189Website: Website


Our Organization

ASTHO is the national nonprofit organization representing public health agencies in the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ. ASTHO members, the chief health officials of these jurisdictions, formulate and influence sound public health policy and ensure excellence in state-based public health practice. ASTHO’s primary function is to track, evaluate, and advise members on the impact and formation of public or private health policy which may affect them and to provide them with guidance and technical assistance on improving the nation’s health.

Vision: Healthy people thriving in a nation free of preventable illness and injury.

Mission: To transform public health within states and territories to help members dramatically improve health and wellness.

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2231 Crystal Drive Suite 450 Arlington VA 22202


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