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Photo of Arizona State University School of Public Affairs

Arizona State University School of Public Affairs

About School of Public Affairs

Mission: The School of Public Affairs advances   excellence in governance by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge   of public administration.

In support of this mission, we are  committed to enabling students to analyze public problems, communicate,  collaborate, make decisions,  and manage public institutions  effectively, ethically, and  democratically; teaching and providing  continuing education at times  and locations appropriate for working  students and practitioners;  identifying emerging public issues,  applying research to public  programs, disseminating information, and  proposing solutions to public  problems; assisting public, private, and  nonprofit organizations;  facilitating community discourse on public  issues; contributing to  public affairs scholarship; and fostering the  next generation of public affairs scholars.…

Photo of Ford School of Public Policy – University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Ford School of Public Policy – University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Dean’s Welcome
Welcome to the website of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

I encourage you to explore our newly-refreshed site: learn about the research interests of our faculty, the academic programs we offer, the activities of our students, and the many programs we provide for public discussion of policy issues.…

Photo of Harvard Kennedy School – Master in Public Administration

Harvard Kennedy School – Master in Public Administration

Master in Public Administration/ International Development

“Never before in history has the dream of eliminating global poverty been so attainable, yet seemed so elusive. We live in a world where the reach of technology and markets are global, and yet more than a billion men, women, and children live in abject poverty, devoid of their benefits.

Photo of Indiana University School of Pubic and Environmental Affairs

Indiana University School of Pubic and Environmental Affairs

Welcome from the Dean

At SPEA, we address the issues of the day with both outstanding research and practical applications in a way that prepares you for the world of tomorrow. And we do what we do very well—we consistently rank in the top tier of schools of public affairs in the national rankings.
Even better, this year we have welcomed several new faculty members who are already making a difference and leading our school into the future.…

Photo of KU School of Public Affairs and Administration

KU School of Public Affairs and Administration

School of Public Affairs and Administration

Our School offers  both academic and  workplace-based professional development education to strengthen the provision of public  services in society.   Our academic programs include  degrees at the master’s (MPA), doctoral (PhD) and undergraduate levels. In the 2013  US News and World Report  Best Graduate Schools listing,  we were again ranked #1 as the top graduate school for City Management and Urban Policy (click here to see the list) and jumped forward two spots in Public Management Administration to rank as #5 (click here for that list).…

Photo of La Follette School of Public Affairs – University of Wisconsin-Madison

La Follette School of Public Affairs – University of Wisconsin-Madison

The mission of the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs is to improve the design of public policy and the practice of governance. We do so by:


◆conducting innovative and multidisciplinary policy and management research;

◆training, mentoring, and educating students interested in domestic and international policy and governance in public, non-profit, and private settings; and

◆informing the practice of public affairs locally, nationally, and globally by disseminating knowledge to practitioners.…

Photo of LinkedIN University Rankings

LinkedIN University Rankings

From university to career, see which schools are launching graduates into desirable jobs. Learn more

Photo of

About is a free online resource for college bound students. We are a search directory offering information for over 6,500 colleges, universities and trade schools. The data provided is gathered from various sources, including federal and state departments of education as well as private sources. The data collected is organized into national, state, and college profile pages, making it easier to access information for our users.…

Photo of Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

The  Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs was established at Cleveland  State University in 1977, as successor to its Institute of Urban Studies (created in 1969). Today, the Levin College is home to five growing  undergraduate degree programs, two nationally accredited and ranked Masters  Degree programs in Urban Planning and Public Administration, growing graduate  programs in Nonprofit Management and Environmental Studies, and an  interdisciplinary doctoral program.…

Photo of Maxwell School Department of Public Administration

Maxwell School Department of Public Administration

Welcome to Public Administration and International Affairs
usnews2012The Maxwell School’s Department of Public Administration and International Affairs welcomes students who want to develop public management and policy analysis skills on a concentrated schedule.

  • Our 12-month MPA degree is ranked first among more than 250 graduate public affairs programs (U.S.

Photo of Northern Illinois University Division of Public Administration

Northern Illinois University Division of Public Administration

U.S. News: Grad programs in city management, public finance at NIU rank among nation’s best
NIU’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) program once again received top marks in the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings of graduate schools.

The MPA program was ranked fifth in the nation in the specialty field of city management and urban policy and 12th in the field of public finance and budgeting.…

Photo of Princeton University

Princeton University

Message from Dean Cecilia Rouse

Welcome to the Woodrow Wilson School.

At the crossroads of scholarship and governance, the School is a major center of education and research in public and international affairs. Our mission is to prepare students for careers in public service, training them to apply well-honed analytic skills and substantive knowledge to the world’s most important policy issues.…

Photo of Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Transforming Personal Commitment into Public Leadership
Established in 1938, the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service offers advanced programs leading to the professional degrees of Master of Public Administration, Master of Urban Planning, Executive Master of Public Administration, and Doctor of Philosophy.…

Photo of Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration

Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration

Photo of School of Public Affairs – American University

School of Public Affairs – American University

Ranked among the top schools of its kind, American University’s School of Public Affairs offers education in the fields of political science, public administration, public policy, and justice. Our location in the scenic neighborhood of upper northwest Washington, D.C., our position, programs, and professors—all provide us a distinct advantage in educating and preparing leaders for careers in public service.…

Photo of The Goldman School of Public Policy – UC Berkeley

The Goldman School of Public Policy – UC Berkeley

About GSPP

The Goldman School of Public Policy is a graduate school that prepares students for careers in public leadership.

The majority of the students at GSPP are enrolled in the Masters of Public Policy (MPP) program which emphaiszes the applied and quantitative dimensions of policy making. The MPP may also be earned concurrently with degrees from several other UC Berkeley schools: law, public health, engineering, social welfare, international and area studies and the Energy Resources Group.…

Photo of The Harris School of Public Policy: University of Chicago

The Harris School of Public Policy: University of Chicago

Public policy is inseparable from modern life. It affects anyone who pays taxes or drives a car, has children or grows old.
The mission of Chicago Harris is to understand and influence public policies—both through research and by preparing talented individuals to become global leaders and agents of social change. A liaison between academic policy research and practitioners in the field, we equip students to make an impact on the problems facing people and institutions around the globe.

Photo of The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at GW

The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at GW

Director’s Message
Welcome to the Trachtenberg  School of Public Policy and Public Administration. I am very proud of our supportive  and engaging community of faculty, students, staff and alumni.
We welcome students with  wide-ranging backgrounds and interests, and offer graduate programs that  embrace multiple perspectives and practical knowledge to prepare students for  active and reflective engagement in local, national, and global policy and  governance. …

Photo of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Public Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Public Policy

The Department of Public Policy

Established in 1979, the Curriculum in Public Policy Analysis was one of  the first undergraduate degree programs in public policy, and a charter  member of the national Association for Public Policy Analysis and  Management. It was augmented in 1991 by an interdisciplinary Ph.D.  Curriculum in Public Policy Analysis. In 1995 the two curricula were  combined and began recruiting their own core faculty.…

Photo of University of Georgia Department of Public Administration and Policy

University of Georgia Department of Public Administration and Policy

Welcome to the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia. Our website is designed to provide an introduction to the Department and its faculty, staff, and students; information about our graduate programs and courses; and guidance for those interested in contacting the Department, applying to one of our programs, or learning of the manifold opportunities for learning and research offered here.…

Photo of University of Illinois – Chicago: Department of Public Administration

University of Illinois – Chicago: Department of Public Administration

The Department
Welcome to the Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I encourage you to take a closer look at our department, whether you are looking for a Ph.D. program, a Master of Public Administration degree, or an innovative undergraduate program in Urban and Public Affairs ; whether you are a government or nonprofit organization seeking university partnerships.We are highly-ranked in research, effective in our teaching, and relevant to policy and practice in the nation and the community.…

Photo of University of North Texas Department of Public Administration

University of North Texas Department of Public Administration

Graduate opportunities
In the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas, we prepare you for a leadership role in a public or nonprofit organization or for a career in academia. This is accomplished through an innovative curriculum leading to either a Master of Public Administration degree or a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Administration and Management.…

Photo of USC Price School of Public Policy

USC Price School of Public Policy

The mission of the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy is to improve the quality of life for people and their communities, here and abroad.

We achieve this mission through education and research that promote innovative solutions to the most critical issues facing society.
Degree Programs
The Price School offers five professional master’s degree programs, three executive master’s degree programsdoctoral programs, and an undergraduate degree program.…


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