Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Home » Career Resources
Photo of Better Public Officials

Better Public Officials

After nearly 30 years of working with the challenges government officials face Gabe Gabrielsen co-founded Local Government Resources to assist Township, Village, City, County, Parish, Borough, School Board, Economic Development Authority, Special District and Public Commission local government officials, public employees, community leaders, civic activists and local businesses.

Gabe, a dynamic individual, enlisted in the United States Air Force at seventeen and learned to aim high.…

Photo of Bsharah Public Relations

Bsharah Public Relations

About Us

Our company is based on the belief that client needs
are of the utmost importance.  We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver to you the best professional service that you have experienced.


Dearborn, Michigan
Charleston, West Virginia



Email Address


Monday – Friday: 8 a.m.…

Photo of Careerbright



About Shweta: Shweta-CAREERBRIGHTShweta L. Khare, Associate Certified Career Coach (ACCC)

I am a Career Expert (Certified Career Coach) based in Silicon Valley, California. When not coaching clients, I love to blog with all the hope that my words can inspire you to accelerate towards a brighter and successful career.…

Photo of CC Career Services

CC Career Services

I have successfully written resume ‘packages’ for some of the highest senior-level leaders in Federal government and the military. I keep current on formats, employment trends, and writing styles! I have also created numerous formats and styles that are always well received. My resume formats take advantage of the latest computer technology, writing, design, and layout in order to capture and keep the readers attention…and most important, the résumé will be READABLE!…

Photo of Devil Dog USA, Inc.

Devil Dog USA, Inc.

DD USA Inc.understands that the word Devil Dog can be an intimidating term. As the founders of Devil Dog USA Inc. we would like to take the time to explain our moniker.The roots of the word Devil Dog originated in Belleau Wood(1918), when the Germans referred to the United States Marine Forces as “Teufel Hunden”. The Marines proudly took up this moniker as they gallantly defended their nation against all enemies foreign or domestic.…

Photo of Interview Success Formula

Interview Success Formula

What is Interview Success Formula?

To put it simply, Interview Success Formula is for job seeking professionals who face intense interviews and want to stand out by delivering impressive and memorable answers, so they land the job they deserve.

Here you’ll discover proven approaches that have helped over 30,000 people ace their interview with the help of Alan Carniol, creator of this system.…

Photo of Management Education Group, Inc.

Management Education Group, Inc.

Marnie E. Green, Principal Consultant, is the nation’s go-to expert in the development of public sector leaders. She has spent the last 25 years providing valuable step-by-step presentations and programs that create more confident government leaders. Along the way she has served as an executive coach to numerous public leaders at the highest levels.…

Photo of Mary Elizabeth Bradford

Mary Elizabeth Bradford

Mary Elizabeth Bradford, CARW, MCD, CERM, CERW is one of the top executive resume writers in the world, a 21-year veteran of the career services industry, and acknowledged career authority. She founded in 2008 and in 2020, which today is known as one of the top boutique resume writing firms in the world.…

Photo of Mejorando Group

Mejorando Group

The Mejorando Group is comprised of professionals who have served as executives and managers in a variety of public- and private-sector organizations. We offer extensive experience, strong people management skills, seasoned judgment, and a valuable perspective that allows us to have an immediate impact on the performance of your organization’s employees.

As co-founder and partner in the Mejorando Group, Patrick Ibarra is an entrepreneur of ideas who brings organizations over 25 years experience and in-depth expertise from serving as a Consultant and Manager in both public and private sector organizations, including as a city manager.…

Photo of PeopleResults


SINCE 2004 we’ve partnered with clients such as PepsiCo, McKesson, 7-Eleven, and Bell Helicopter to harmonize people and organizations with business strategy—and produce results. Here are just a few of the reasons why forward-thinking organizations choose to partner with PeopleResults:

Our experts are accomplished business executives who know, firsthand, what kinds of challenges and pressures our clients face every day.…

Photo of Professional Resume Services

Professional Resume Services

Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, BS/HR, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services. She is anationally published writer and contributor of 14 best-selling career books. She has achieved international recognition following yearly nominations of the prestigious T.O.R.I. (Toast of the Resume Industry) Award. She is also one of only a few professionals worldwide to achieve the coveted “Certified Master Resume Writer” distinction.…

Photo of RedStarResume


For the past decade, the team at RedStarResume has been creating award winning resumes that get noticed by hiring managers. Under our guidance, our clients have achieved successes in over 35 different industries. From the college student looking to break into his or her first job to the seasoned professional and CEO level candidate, our custom-made, high impact resumes are written specifically to match the goals and objectives of our clients.…

Photo of Resource Management Associates

Resource Management Associates

Resource Management Associates is a leading provider of fire and police promotional examination services. We have designed and administered promotional examinations for communities in several states. Since 1981, we have established a reputation for professional work and client satisfaction.

Each year we design and administer more than thirty assessment centers and promotional examinations. Over the last twenty years we have conducted over 200 assessment centers involving more than one thousand candidates for a wide range of positions in the police service.…

Photo of Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Career Services

The following Career Services are available for executive and professional level clients.

Profile Assessments:

  • DISC Profile Assessment. Your behavior, communication style and hot buttons can make or break you at work. DISCover your natural strengths and talents. Uncover your opportunities and take charge of navigating your future.

Photo of Veteran Resources

Veteran Resources

The County of San Diego is committed to honoring veterans and their service. The Department of Human Resources aims to provide veterans with the resources and tools necessary to maximize their employment opportunities, and to assist veterans with their transition into civilian life by applying the valuable skills, knowledge and training acquired in service to positions and career paths available within the County of San Diego.…


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