Government and public sector employee associations provide valuable training, resources and networking opportunities for members and non-members alike. Associations are often essential in providing information about professional standards, licensing requirements and posting targeted job opportunities in the field. We encourage you to contact us with associations you think will be valuable to others.
Photo of Air & Waste Management Association

Air & Waste Management Association


The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for information exchange, professional development, networking opportunities, public education, and outreach to more than 5,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. A&WMA promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society.…

Photo of American Association of Port Authorities

American Association of Port Authorities

About AAPA
about_aapa_imgFounded in 1912, the American Association of Port Authorities is a trade association which represents more than 130 public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America.  In addition, Association members include more than 300 sustaining and associate members —  firms and individuals with an interest in the seaports of the Western Hemisphere. …

Photo of American Association of School Administrators

American Association of School Administrators

About AASA

AASA, the School Superintendents Association, advocates for the highest quality public education for all students, and develops and supports school system leaders.

AASA, the School Superintendents Association, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA members range from chief executive officers, superintendents and senior level school administrators to cabinet members, professors and aspiring school system leaders.…

Photo of American Correctional Association

American Correctional Association

Photo of American Federation of Teachers

American Federation of Teachers

American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
The American Federation of Teachers, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, was founded in 1916 and today represents 1.5 million members in more than 3,000 local affiliates nationwide.

Five divisions within the AFT represent the broad spectrum of the AFT’s membership: pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel; higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; and nurses and other healthcare professionals.…

Photo of American Institute of Certified Planners

American Institute of Certified Planners

American Institute of Certified Planners

AICP is the American Planning Association’s professional institute, providing recognized leadership nationwide in the certification of professional planners, ethics, professional development, planning education, and the standards of planning practice.

Photo of American Jail Association

American Jail Association

About Us

The American Jail Association (AJA) is a national, nonprofit organization that supports the professionals who operate our Nation’s jails. It is the only national association that focuses exclusively on issues specific to the operations of local correctional facilities.

The governing body of AJA is the Board of Directors. The Board is the final authority on all matters pertaining to the management of AJA.…

Photo of American Library Association

American Library Association

The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world, providing association information, news, events, and advocacy resources for members, librarians, and library users.

Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.…

Photo of American Public Gas Association

American Public Gas Association

About Us
About APGA


Welcome to American Public Gas Association! Formed in 1961, APGA has over 700 members in 36 states and is the only nonprofit trade organization that  represents America’s publicly owned natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs). APGA represents the interests of public gas before Congress, federal agencies and other energy-related stakeholders by developing regulatory and legislative policies that further the goals of our members.…

Photo of American Public Health Association

American Public Health Association

The American Public Health Association is the oldest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world and has been working to improve public health since 1872. The Association aims to protect all Americans, their families and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States.…

Photo of American Public Power Association

American Public Power Association

About APPA
The American Public Power Association (APPA), based in Washington, D.C., is the service organization for the nation’s more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities. Collectively, these utilities serve more than 47 million Americans.

APPA was created in 1940 as a nonprofit, non-partisan organization to advance the public policy interests of its members and their consumers, and provide member services to ensure adequate, reliable electricity at a reasonable price with the proper protection of the environment.…

Photo of American Public Transit Association

American Public Transit Association

Photo of American Public Works Association

American Public Works Association

The American Public Works Association (APWA) serves professionals in all aspects of public works—a fact that sets it apart from other organizations and makes it an effective voice of public works throughout North America. With a worldwide membership over 28,000 strong, APWA includes not only personnel from local, county, state/province, and federal agencies, but also private sector personnel who supply products and services to those professionals.…

Photo of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration. ASPA’s four core values are Accountability and Performance, Professionalism, Ethics and Social Equity.

Professionalism is promoted through chapters and sections. Members have an opportunity to advance their careers by becoming involved in their local public administration community.…

Photo of American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers

Today ASCE is a worldwide leader for excellence in civil engineering. With a mission to advance professional knowledge and improve the practice of civil engineering, ASCE is a focal point for the development and transfer of research results, and technical policy and managerial information. Through strategic emphasis in key areas, including infrastructure renewal and development, policy leadership and professional development, ASCE delivers the highest quality publications, programs and services to its worldwide membership, demonstrating a daily commitment to sustaining the profession.

Photo of American Water Resources Association

American Water Resources Association

Founded in 1964, the American Water Resources Association is a non-profit professional association dedicated to the advancement of men and women in water resources management, research, and education. AWRA’s membership is multidisciplinary; its diversity is its hallmark. It is the professional home of a wide variety of water resources experts including engineers, educators, foresters, biologists, ecologists, geographers, managers, regulators, hydrologists and attorneys.…

Photo of Association of Government Accountants

Association of Government Accountants

AGA is the member organization for financial professionals in government. We lead and encourage change that benefits our field and all citizens. Our networking events, professional certification, publications and ongoing education help members build their skills and advance their careers.

Photo of Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Mission Statement: AMPO is the transportation advocate for metropolitan regions and is committed to enhancing MPOs’ abilities to improve metropolitan transportation systems.

AMPO is a nonprofit, membership organization established in 1994 to serve the needs and interests of “metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)” nationwide. Federal highway and transit statutes require, as a condition for spending federal highway or transit funds in urbanized areas, the designation of MPOs, which have responsibility for planning, programming and coordination of federal highway and transit investments.…

Photo of Association of Public Safety Communications Officials

Association of Public Safety Communications Officials

APCO International is the world’s largest organization of public safety communications professionals. It serves the needs of public safety communications practitioners worldwide – and the welfare of the general public as a whole – by providing complete expertise, professional development, technical assistance, advocacy and outreach.
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) is an international leader committed to providing complete public safety communications expertise, professional development, technical assistance, advocacy and outreach to benefit our members and the public.…

Photo of Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Our Organization
ASTHO is the national nonprofit organization representing public health agencies in the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ. ASTHO members, the chief health officials of these jurisdictions, formulate and influence sound public health policy and ensure excellence in state-based public health practice.…

Photo of California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA)

California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA)

Who We Are

California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA): Public Sector Management’s Resource For Labor-Relations Leadership, Training, Information, And Support
CALPELRA is a professional, nonprofit California association established in 1975, comprised of public sector management representatives responsible for carrying out the labor relations / human resource programs for their jurisdictions.…

Photo of Council of American Building Officials

Council of American Building Officials

The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.

The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace.…

Photo of International Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Chiefs of Police

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is a dynamic organization that serves as the professional voice of law enforcement.   Building on our past success, the IACP addresses cutting edge issues confronting law enforcement though advocacy, programs and research, as well as training and other professional services.  IACP is a comprehensive professional organization that supports the law enforcement leaders of today and develops the leaders of tomorrow.

Photo of International Association of Fire Chiefs

International Association of Fire Chiefs

The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide; our members are the world’s leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety policy. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for fire and emergency service leaders to exchange ideas, develop professionally and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders.…

Photo of International Association of Fire Fighters

International Association of Fire Fighters

The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect 85 percent of the nation’s population. More than 3,100 affiliates and their members protect communities in every state in the United States and in Canada. The IAFF is one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington; its Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among the top one percent of the more than 4,000 PACs in the country.…

Photo of International City/County Management Association

International City/County Management Association

ICMA: Leaders at the Core of Better Communities
Each time we turn on the tap in our kitchens, set the trash out for pickup the next day, or cruise through our neighborhoods on newly paved roads, we access our local governments. Providing essential community services that ensure the quality of our lives is what local government is all about.…

Photo of International Institute of Municipal Clerks

International Institute of Municipal Clerks

Our Mission
The International Institute of
Municipal Clerks (IIMC) is a professional, nonprofit association that promotes
continuing education and certification through university and college-based
institutes and provides networking solutions, services and benefits to its
members worldwide.

Professional Association Since 1947
Founded in 1947, the
International Institute of Municipal Clerks is the leading professional
association serving the needs of municipal clerks, secretaries, treasurers,
recorders and other allied associations from cities and towns worldwide.…

Photo of International Public Management Association for Human Resources

International Public Management Association for Human Resources

About Us

IPMA HR is the leading public sector human resource organization in the world. We represent the interests of human resource professionals at all levels and strive to promote excellence in HR management.

Serving HR professionals since 1906, IPMA-HR is your resource for comprehensive and timely HR industry news, jobs, policies, resources, education, and professional development opportunities.…

Photo of Muninet Guide

Muninet Guide

MuniNet Guide is an online resource specializing in municipal matters, including urban affairs, public finance, and municipal bonds.  Our content and data focuses on a variety of topic areas pertaining to the public sector:  municipal bonds, state and local government, demographics, economic trends, education, employment, healthcare, housing and real estate, transportation, and utilities.

MuniNet has been covering municipal bond research, public finance, urban administration, and public sector agencies since the mid-1990s. …

Photo of National Association of Counties

National Association of Counties

Who We Are

NACo is the only national organization representing the nation’s 3,069 counties, parishes and boroughs. Driven by a strong membership, NACo’s Board of Directors represents counties across America. NACo’s Executive Committee is composed of four officers elected by the membership and a regional representative from each of the four regions in the country.…

Photo of National Association of Wastewater Technicians

National Association of Wastewater Technicians

The MISSION of the National Association of Wastewater Technicians is to unify the voice of the sanitary liquid waste management industry, while increasing its professionalism and public image through education of industry members and the public, and the development and national representation of individual, state, and regional chapters, allowing our industry to exchange ideas and concerns for the betterment of our members, the environment, and the general public.…

Photo of National Education Association

National Education Association

NEA’s Vision, Mission, and Values

Adopted at the 2006 NEA Representative Assembly
The National Education Association
We, the members of the National Education Association of the United States, are the voice of education professionals. Our work is fundamental to the nation, and we accept the profound trust placed in us.

Our Vision Our vision is a great public school for every student.…

Photo of National League of Cities

National League of Cities

The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. Working in partnership with the 49 state municipal leagues, NLC serves as a resource to and an advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages and towns it represents

Who are NLC ‘s Members?
The National League of Cities members are municipalities from across the country. …

Photo of National Public Employer Labor Relations Association

National Public Employer Labor Relations Association

National Public Employer Labor Relations Association (NPELRA) is the premier organization for public-sector labor relations and human resources professionals. NPELRA is a network of state and regional affiliates with over 2,000 members around the country. The governmental agencies represented in NPELRA employ more than four million workers in federal, state, and local government.
NPELRA’s members represent public employers in a wide range of areas, from management union contract negotiations to working with arbitrators under grievance and arbitration procedures.…

Photo of National Recreation and Parks Association

National Recreation and Parks Association

About NRPA

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is the leading advocacy organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation. Our work draws national focus to the far-reaching impact of successes generated at the local level. Leveraging their role in conservation, health and wellness, and social equity to improve their communities NRPA’s members of park and recreation professionals and citizen advocates are more than 30,000 strong and represent public spaces in urban communities, rural settings and everything in between.…

Photo of The Council of State Governments

The Council of State Governments

Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments is our nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled regional, national and international opportunities to network, develop leaders, collaborate and create problem-solving partnerships.

Photo of The International Association of Women Police

The International Association of Women Police

September 2007 ARTICLE III Mission Vision and Guiding Values

1. Mission: To strengthen, unite and raise the profile of women in criminal justice internationally. 2. Vision: For women’s lives to be free from discrimination, valued for their contribution, and treated with respect and dignity. To contribute by being an example of excellence in securing a safe, harmonious workplace and society as partners in safety in the criminal justice system 3.…


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