Government Associations


Top Public Sector
Executive Recruiter


Social Media
Resource Organizations

Photo of Affion Public

Affion Public

Affion Public is a strategic consulting and advisory services firm focused on providing technology and executive search services for state and local government, education and non-profit organizations.

Affion Public is the result of a merger between Arcus Public, a nationally recognized executive search firm, and Affinity Technology Consultants, an experienced technology advisory and consulting services company.…

Photo of Air & Waste Management Association

Air & Waste Management Association


The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for information exchange, professional development, networking opportunities, public education, and outreach to more than 5,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. A&WMA promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society.…

Photo of Alliance Resource Consulting

Alliance Resource Consulting

ALLIANCE RESOURCE CONSULTING LLC is considered one of the premier public sector executive recruiting firms in the country. Our company motto “The Power of Partnership” is taken seriously at ALLIANCE and carries a reputation of providing service and building lasting relationships by placing the highest quality candidates throughout the United States.

ALLIANCE RESOURCE CONSULTING was formed when our executive search consultants acquired the highly regarded executive search practice of one the largest public sector consulting/government services companies in the United States.…

Photo of American Association of Port Authorities

American Association of Port Authorities

About AAPA
about_aapa_imgFounded in 1912, the American Association of Port Authorities is a trade association which represents more than 130 public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America.  In addition, Association members include more than 300 sustaining and associate members —  firms and individuals with an interest in the seaports of the Western Hemisphere. …

Photo of American Association of School Administrators

American Association of School Administrators

About AASA

AASA, the School Superintendents Association, advocates for the highest quality public education for all students, and develops and supports school system leaders.

AASA, the School Superintendents Association, founded in 1865, is the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world. AASA members range from chief executive officers, superintendents and senior level school administrators to cabinet members, professors and aspiring school system leaders.…

Photo of American Correctional Association

American Correctional Association

Photo of American Federation of Teachers

American Federation of Teachers

American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
The American Federation of Teachers, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO, was founded in 1916 and today represents 1.5 million members in more than 3,000 local affiliates nationwide.

Five divisions within the AFT represent the broad spectrum of the AFT’s membership: pre-K through 12th-grade teachers; paraprofessionals and other school-related personnel; higher education faculty and professional staff; federal, state and local government employees; and nurses and other healthcare professionals.…

Photo of American Institute of Certified Planners

American Institute of Certified Planners

American Institute of Certified Planners

AICP is the American Planning Association’s professional institute, providing recognized leadership nationwide in the certification of professional planners, ethics, professional development, planning education, and the standards of planning practice.

Photo of American Jail Association

American Jail Association

About Us

The American Jail Association (AJA) is a national, nonprofit organization that supports the professionals who operate our Nation’s jails. It is the only national association that focuses exclusively on issues specific to the operations of local correctional facilities.

The governing body of AJA is the Board of Directors. The Board is the final authority on all matters pertaining to the management of AJA.…

Photo of American Library Association

American Library Association

The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world, providing association information, news, events, and advocacy resources for members, librarians, and library users.

Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.…

Photo of American Public Gas Association

American Public Gas Association

About Us
About APGA


Welcome to American Public Gas Association! Formed in 1961, APGA has over 700 members in 36 states and is the only nonprofit trade organization that  represents America’s publicly owned natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs). APGA represents the interests of public gas before Congress, federal agencies and other energy-related stakeholders by developing regulatory and legislative policies that further the goals of our members.…

Photo of American Public Health Association

American Public Health Association

The American Public Health Association is the oldest and most diverse organization of public health professionals in the world and has been working to improve public health since 1872. The Association aims to protect all Americans, their families and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States.…

Photo of American Public Power Association

American Public Power Association

About APPA
The American Public Power Association (APPA), based in Washington, D.C., is the service organization for the nation’s more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities. Collectively, these utilities serve more than 47 million Americans.

APPA was created in 1940 as a nonprofit, non-partisan organization to advance the public policy interests of its members and their consumers, and provide member services to ensure adequate, reliable electricity at a reasonable price with the proper protection of the environment.…

Photo of American Public Transit Association

American Public Transit Association

Photo of American Public Works Association

American Public Works Association

The American Public Works Association (APWA) serves professionals in all aspects of public works—a fact that sets it apart from other organizations and makes it an effective voice of public works throughout North America. With a worldwide membership over 28,000 strong, APWA includes not only personnel from local, county, state/province, and federal agencies, but also private sector personnel who supply products and services to those professionals.…

Photo of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

The American Society for Public Administration is the largest and most prominent professional association for public administration. It is dedicated to advancing the art, science, teaching and practice of public and non-profit administration. ASPA’s four core values are Accountability and Performance, Professionalism, Ethics and Social Equity.

Professionalism is promoted through chapters and sections. Members have an opportunity to advance their careers by becoming involved in their local public administration community.…

Photo of American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Civil Engineers

Today ASCE is a worldwide leader for excellence in civil engineering. With a mission to advance professional knowledge and improve the practice of civil engineering, ASCE is a focal point for the development and transfer of research results, and technical policy and managerial information. Through strategic emphasis in key areas, including infrastructure renewal and development, policy leadership and professional development, ASCE delivers the highest quality publications, programs and services to its worldwide membership, demonstrating a daily commitment to sustaining the profession.

Photo of American Water Resources Association

American Water Resources Association

Founded in 1964, the American Water Resources Association is a non-profit professional association dedicated to the advancement of men and women in water resources management, research, and education. AWRA’s membership is multidisciplinary; its diversity is its hallmark. It is the professional home of a wide variety of water resources experts including engineers, educators, foresters, biologists, ecologists, geographers, managers, regulators, hydrologists and attorneys.…

Photo of Arizona State University School of Public Affairs

Arizona State University School of Public Affairs

About School of Public Affairs

Mission: The School of Public Affairs advances   excellence in governance by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge   of public administration.

In support of this mission, we are  committed to enabling students to analyze public problems, communicate,  collaborate, make decisions,  and manage public institutions  effectively, ethically, and  democratically; teaching and providing  continuing education at times  and locations appropriate for working  students and practitioners;  identifying emerging public issues,  applying research to public  programs, disseminating information, and  proposing solutions to public  problems; assisting public, private, and  nonprofit organizations;  facilitating community discourse on public  issues; contributing to  public affairs scholarship; and fostering the  next generation of public affairs scholars.…

Photo of Association of Government Accountants

Association of Government Accountants

AGA is the member organization for financial professionals in government. We lead and encourage change that benefits our field and all citizens. Our networking events, professional certification, publications and ongoing education help members build their skills and advance their careers.

Photo of Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Mission Statement: AMPO is the transportation advocate for metropolitan regions and is committed to enhancing MPOs’ abilities to improve metropolitan transportation systems.

AMPO is a nonprofit, membership organization established in 1994 to serve the needs and interests of “metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)” nationwide. Federal highway and transit statutes require, as a condition for spending federal highway or transit funds in urbanized areas, the designation of MPOs, which have responsibility for planning, programming and coordination of federal highway and transit investments.…

Photo of Association of Public Safety Communications Officials

Association of Public Safety Communications Officials

APCO International is the world’s largest organization of public safety communications professionals. It serves the needs of public safety communications practitioners worldwide – and the welfare of the general public as a whole – by providing complete expertise, professional development, technical assistance, advocacy and outreach.
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) is an international leader committed to providing complete public safety communications expertise, professional development, technical assistance, advocacy and outreach to benefit our members and the public.…

Photo of Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Our Organization
ASTHO is the national nonprofit organization representing public health agencies in the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ. ASTHO members, the chief health officials of these jurisdictions, formulate and influence sound public health policy and ensure excellence in state-based public health practice.…

Photo of Avery Associates

Avery Associates

William Avery & Associates, Inc. is an Executive Search and Labor Relations consulting firm, which has served both the public and non-profit sectors for over 25 years. Building strong relationships with clients, and helping clients build strong relationships within their own organizations, are key objectives at Avery Associates.

The firm is pleased to announce the creation of a new Management Group to complement its current services.…



Technology breakthroughs. Sweeping legislation. Shifting demographics. These are everyday headlines that remind us change is constant. Yet the word “change” can have negative connotations. It suggests a loss of control. It can be threatening. It is something to resist.

So we describe change as progress because that is exactly what is happening at Baker Tilly. It is a subtle yet important nuance.…

Photo of Bernard Hodes Group

Bernard Hodes Group

Way back in 1970 Hodes set out to redefine help-wanted advertising with a fresh, creative, “big picture” approach to solving recruitment problems.

Today we’re a world leader in integrated talent solutions. We continue to promote growth and change in our marketplace, while advancing the state of our art. We remain dedicated to the three elements upon which we built our agency: service, creativity and respect.…

Photo of Better Public Officials

Better Public Officials

After nearly 30 years of working with the challenges government officials face Gabe Gabrielsen co-founded Local Government Resources to assist Township, Village, City, County, Parish, Borough, School Board, Economic Development Authority, Special District and Public Commission local government officials, public employees, community leaders, civic activists and local businesses.

Gabe, a dynamic individual, enlisted in the United States Air Force at seventeen and learned to aim high.…

Photo of BHI Management Consulting

BHI Management Consulting

We optimize the way your agency or business organization operates. We have a strong and guiding belief that clarity and vision in management are paramount. Agencies and companies too often allow themselves to stagnate, moving forward without a plan or clear vision. Success is a result of good planning and aligned action.

Whatever your organization’s budget level, we can help.…

Photo of Bob Murray & Associates

Bob Murray & Associates

Bob Murray & Associates

Bob Murray & Associates brings a personal approach to providing quality executive recruitment services. Our clients include cities, counties, special districts, and non-profits – both large and small. We work with our clients to identify their needs, so we can recruit outstanding candidates for their consideration. A significant number of our clients have requested our assistance time and again as a result of the quality of our work.…

Photo of Brimeyer-Fursman, LLC

Brimeyer-Fursman, LLC

Brimeyer Fursman, LLC is an executive search and consulting firm working primarily in the public sector. We provide executive services to public sector and non-profit boards, councils, and commissions to assist in the recruitment and selection of managers, administrators, directors, department heads, and key staff. We serve our clients by functioning as a professional extension of their human resource department.…

Photo of Bsharah Public Relations

Bsharah Public Relations

About Us

Our company is based on the belief that client needs
are of the utmost importance.  We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver to you the best professional service that you have experienced.


Dearborn, Michigan
Charleston, West Virginia



Email Address


Monday – Friday: 8 a.m.…

Photo of California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA)

California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA)

Who We Are

California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA): Public Sector Management’s Resource For Labor-Relations Leadership, Training, Information, And Support
CALPELRA is a professional, nonprofit California association established in 1975, comprised of public sector management representatives responsible for carrying out the labor relations / human resource programs for their jurisdictions.…

Photo of Careerbright



About Shweta: Shweta-CAREERBRIGHTShweta L. Khare, Associate Certified Career Coach (ACCC)

I am a Career Expert (Certified Career Coach) based in Silicon Valley, California. When not coaching clients, I love to blog with all the hope that my words can inspire you to accelerate towards a brighter and successful career.…

Photo of CC Career Services

CC Career Services

I have successfully written resume ‘packages’ for some of the highest senior-level leaders in Federal government and the military. I keep current on formats, employment trends, and writing styles! I have also created numerous formats and styles that are always well received. My resume formats take advantage of the latest computer technology, writing, design, and layout in order to capture and keep the readers attention…and most important, the résumé will be READABLE!…

Photo of CDM Smith

CDM Smith

CDM Smith provides lasting and integrated solutions in water, environment, transportation, energy and facilities to public and private clients worldwide. As a full-service consulting, engineering, construction, and operations firm, we deliver exceptional client service, quality results and enduring value across the entire project life cycle.

World Headquarters
50 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Tel: +1.617.452.6000
Fax: +1.617.452.8000

Established – 1947 as a partnership; incorporated in 1970.…

Photo of Colin Baenziger & Associates

Colin Baenziger & Associates

Candidates often ask us for advice about how to present themselves to potential employers. While it is aimed primarily at the public sector and city manager positions in particular, much of it is applicable to the private sector as well. We hope the information provided in this section of our website will be helpful.

Note that the materials provided herein are designed to be used together.…

Photo of Council of American Building Officials

Council of American Building Officials

The International Code Council is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes.

The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace.…

Photo of CPS HR Consulting

CPS HR Consulting

At CPS HR Consulting, every service we provide, every recommendation we make, is based on improving your agency’s organizational performance.
Throughout our 25 years of HR service, we’ve developed unparalleled expertise in the public sector, as well as strategic focus unmatched by any other HR service provider. Applying this combination of knowledge and vision, we’re uniquely capable of helping you maximize your organizational performance.

Photo of Delta Prime Consulting

Delta Prime Consulting

About Us

Delta Prime specializes in providing mission-based organizations  with a unique blend of professional HR and organizational development  expertise. We offer a variety of customized services — ranging from recruiting  to coaching to succession planning — that allow HR and organizational  development to work together effectively. Our approach is not  one size fits all. Instead, we craft tailored strategies and solutions that fit  your organization’s individual needs and aid in accomplishing its specific  mission and goals.

Photo of Devil Dog USA, Inc.

Devil Dog USA, Inc.

DD USA Inc.understands that the word Devil Dog can be an intimidating term. As the founders of Devil Dog USA Inc. we would like to take the time to explain our moniker.The roots of the word Devil Dog originated in Belleau Wood(1918), when the Germans referred to the United States Marine Forces as “Teufel Hunden”. The Marines proudly took up this moniker as they gallantly defended their nation against all enemies foreign or domestic.…

Photo of Jennifer Fadden

Jennifer Fadden


Photo of Ford School of Public Policy – University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Ford School of Public Policy – University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Dean’s Welcome
Welcome to the website of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan.

I encourage you to explore our newly-refreshed site: learn about the research interests of our faculty, the academic programs we offer, the activities of our students, and the many programs we provide for public discussion of policy issues.…

Photo of GMP Consulting

GMP Consulting

GMP Consultants is a northwest-based public sector executive search firm that brings over 180 years of local government leadership experience with both regional and national relationships. All our senior search consultants are active in both ICMA and local state level city management associations or in their respective professional associations. GMP Consultants offer our clients experienced subject matter experts with a solid understanding of local government coupled with decades of experience.…

Photo of GMP Consulting

GMP Consulting

GMP Consultants is a northwest-based public sector executive search firm that brings over 180 years of local government leadership experience with both regional and national relationships. All our senior search consultants are active in both ICMA and local state level city management associations or in their respective professional associations. GMP Consultants offer our clients experienced subject matter experts with a solid understanding of local government coupled with decades of experience.…

Photo of GOVHR USA


Heidi Voorhees and Joellen Earl have extensive experience in local government consulting and in local government administration.  This experience along with an understanding of the changing needs of local government led them to form GovHR USA, a comprehensive consulting firm that provides executive recruitment, interim and contract staffing, management and human resources consulting and professional development to clients.…

Photo of Harvard Kennedy School – Master in Public Administration

Harvard Kennedy School – Master in Public Administration

Master in Public Administration/ International Development

“Never before in history has the dream of eliminating global poverty been so attainable, yet seemed so elusive. We live in a world where the reach of technology and markets are global, and yet more than a billion men, women, and children live in abject poverty, devoid of their benefits.

Photo of Hawkins Company

Hawkins Company

Established in 1984, The Hawkins Company is a management consulting firm specializing in executive recruitment. While recognized  for our expertise in diversity recruiting, we are a general practice executive search firm that focuses on achieving the executive level staffing objectives of private, public, educational and non-profit clients with a commitment to recruiting “best in class” diverse leadership talent.…

Photo of HR Dynamics & Performance Management, Inc.

HR Dynamics & Performance Management, Inc.

Rhonda Strout-Garcia received her Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management from Chapman University, and a Bachelor’s Degree from Southern Illinois University in Workforce Education and Development. She is a graduate of the Leadership Riverside Program sponsored by the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce.

Rhonda’s experience includes over 30 years of professional public management experience, in Human Resources Management.…

Photo of HR-OneSource


At HR-OneSource we specialize in providing human resource consulting services to employers. Since employee costs represent a major share of the costs of operating a company, it is very important to manage the human resource element as attentively as you do your physical and financial resources. To help you manage this human resource element, HR-OneSource can provide you with the expertise on a more economical consulting basis than a costly full-time employment arrangement.…

Photo of Indiana University School of Pubic and Environmental Affairs

Indiana University School of Pubic and Environmental Affairs

Welcome from the Dean

At SPEA, we address the issues of the day with both outstanding research and practical applications in a way that prepares you for the world of tomorrow. And we do what we do very well—we consistently rank in the top tier of schools of public affairs in the national rankings.
Even better, this year we have welcomed several new faculty members who are already making a difference and leading our school into the future.…

Photo of International Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Chiefs of Police

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is a dynamic organization that serves as the professional voice of law enforcement.   Building on our past success, the IACP addresses cutting edge issues confronting law enforcement though advocacy, programs and research, as well as training and other professional services.  IACP is a comprehensive professional organization that supports the law enforcement leaders of today and develops the leaders of tomorrow.

Photo of International Association of Fire Chiefs

International Association of Fire Chiefs

The International Association of Fire Chiefs represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide; our members are the world’s leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety policy. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for fire and emergency service leaders to exchange ideas, develop professionally and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders.…

Photo of International Association of Fire Fighters

International Association of Fire Fighters

The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 300,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics who protect 85 percent of the nation’s population. More than 3,100 affiliates and their members protect communities in every state in the United States and in Canada. The IAFF is one of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington; its Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among the top one percent of the more than 4,000 PACs in the country.…

Photo of International City/County Management Association

International City/County Management Association

ICMA: Leaders at the Core of Better Communities
Each time we turn on the tap in our kitchens, set the trash out for pickup the next day, or cruise through our neighborhoods on newly paved roads, we access our local governments. Providing essential community services that ensure the quality of our lives is what local government is all about.…

Photo of International Institute of Municipal Clerks

International Institute of Municipal Clerks

Our Mission
The International Institute of
Municipal Clerks (IIMC) is a professional, nonprofit association that promotes
continuing education and certification through university and college-based
institutes and provides networking solutions, services and benefits to its
members worldwide.

Professional Association Since 1947
Founded in 1947, the
International Institute of Municipal Clerks is the leading professional
association serving the needs of municipal clerks, secretaries, treasurers,
recorders and other allied associations from cities and towns worldwide.…

Photo of International Public Management Association for Human Resources

International Public Management Association for Human Resources

About Us

IPMA HR is the leading public sector human resource organization in the world. We represent the interests of human resource professionals at all levels and strive to promote excellence in HR management.

Serving HR professionals since 1906, IPMA-HR is your resource for comprehensive and timely HR industry news, jobs, policies, resources, education, and professional development opportunities.…

Photo of Interview Success Formula

Interview Success Formula

What is Interview Success Formula?

To put it simply, Interview Success Formula is for job seeking professionals who face intense interviews and want to stand out by delivering impressive and memorable answers, so they land the job they deserve.

Here you’ll discover proven approaches that have helped over 30,000 people ace their interview with the help of Alan Carniol, creator of this system.…

Photo of

Jason Gray is an experienced local government professional based in who has led teams in the role of City Manager and Assistant City Manager for over 15 years.  In his role as City Manager, he was able to lead teams in accomplishing a wide variety of financial, economic development, organizational, and technical breakthroughs. Jason’s experience as the Chief Executive Officer of two high-growth, high-quality of life communities (City Manager of Money Magazine’s #1 Best Place to Live in America-McKinney, Texas and City Manager of Celina, Texas) as well as his years as an Assistant City Manager in Frisco, Texas has provided Jason with a remarkable perspective to help communities succeed at the highest levels.…

Photo of Koff & Associates

Koff & Associates

Koff & Associates is a full-service human resources consulting firm specializing in the areas of consultation and custom services in strategic planning for the management of human resources. We help our clients address the people side of their business. This includes classification and compensation studies, performance management systems, recruitments, handbook and process design audits, labor/management issues and productivity improvement.…

Photo of KU School of Public Affairs and Administration

KU School of Public Affairs and Administration

School of Public Affairs and Administration

Our School offers  both academic and  workplace-based professional development education to strengthen the provision of public  services in society.   Our academic programs include  degrees at the master’s (MPA), doctoral (PhD) and undergraduate levels. In the 2013  US News and World Report  Best Graduate Schools listing,  we were again ranked #1 as the top graduate school for City Management and Urban Policy (click here to see the list) and jumped forward two spots in Public Management Administration to rank as #5 (click here for that list).…

Photo of La Follette School of Public Affairs – University of Wisconsin-Madison

La Follette School of Public Affairs – University of Wisconsin-Madison

The mission of the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs is to improve the design of public policy and the practice of governance. We do so by:


◆conducting innovative and multidisciplinary policy and management research;

◆training, mentoring, and educating students interested in domestic and international policy and governance in public, non-profit, and private settings; and

◆informing the practice of public affairs locally, nationally, and globally by disseminating knowledge to practitioners.…

Photo of LinkedIN University Rankings

LinkedIN University Rankings

From university to career, see which schools are launching graduates into desirable jobs. Learn more

Photo of Management Education Group, Inc.

Management Education Group, Inc.

Marnie E. Green, Principal Consultant, is the nation’s go-to expert in the development of public sector leaders. She has spent the last 25 years providing valuable step-by-step presentations and programs that create more confident government leaders. Along the way she has served as an executive coach to numerous public leaders at the highest levels.…

Photo of Mary Elizabeth Bradford

Mary Elizabeth Bradford

Mary Elizabeth Bradford, CARW, MCD, CERM, CERW is one of the top executive resume writers in the world, a 21-year veteran of the career services industry, and acknowledged career authority. She founded in 2008 and in 2020, which today is known as one of the top boutique resume writing firms in the world.…

Photo of

About is a free online resource for college bound students. We are a search directory offering information for over 6,500 colleges, universities and trade schools. The data provided is gathered from various sources, including federal and state departments of education as well as private sources. The data collected is organized into national, state, and college profile pages, making it easier to access information for our users.…

Photo of Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs

The  Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs was established at Cleveland  State University in 1977, as successor to its Institute of Urban Studies (created in 1969). Today, the Levin College is home to five growing  undergraduate degree programs, two nationally accredited and ranked Masters  Degree programs in Urban Planning and Public Administration, growing graduate  programs in Nonprofit Management and Environmental Studies, and an  interdisciplinary doctoral program.…

Photo of Maxwell School Department of Public Administration

Maxwell School Department of Public Administration

Welcome to Public Administration and International Affairs
usnews2012The Maxwell School’s Department of Public Administration and International Affairs welcomes students who want to develop public management and policy analysis skills on a concentrated schedule.

  • Our 12-month MPA degree is ranked first among more than 250 graduate public affairs programs (U.S.

Photo of McGrath Consulting, Inc.

McGrath Consulting, Inc.

Citizens have high expectations of what fire, EMS, and police departments should provide. These expectations are often based on scenes from television, movies, or hearsay rather than industry standards or budget constraints. The McGrath Consulting Group’s methodology helps define proper levels of response and services as well as the dollars needed to provide that service.

Public safety is not only necessary, it’s a major cost center.…

Photo of Mejorando Group

Mejorando Group

The Mejorando Group is comprised of professionals who have served as executives and managers in a variety of public- and private-sector organizations. We offer extensive experience, strong people management skills, seasoned judgment, and a valuable perspective that allows us to have an immediate impact on the performance of your organization’s employees.

As co-founder and partner in the Mejorando Group, Patrick Ibarra is an entrepreneur of ideas who brings organizations over 25 years experience and in-depth expertise from serving as a Consultant and Manager in both public and private sector organizations, including as a city manager.…

Photo of Mercer Group

Mercer Group

Jerry Bailey has served in Human Resource leadership positions in both the public and private sector for over 35 years, leading operations in California, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Jersey, Tennessee and Texas. This service included public education, telecommunications, electric, gas, water and wastewater utility management as well as a partner in the Western Personnel Management Center where Jerry concentrated on union relations for elementary and secondary school districts and guiding school districts through a community based search process for selection of Superintendents and other school administration positions. …

Photo of Mercer Group

Mercer Group

The Mercer Group, Inc. is an independent management consulting firm incorporated in the State of Georgia and operating nationwide.

The firm was founded by James L. Mercer, a management consultant of more than 30 years in the public and private sectors and a former Assistant City Manager.  He has written and co-authored seven books and more than three hundred articles on various phases of public management.…

Photo of Mercer Group

Mercer Group

Mr. Higginbotham’s distinguished public sector career of over 30 years has included serving as chief executive officer and chief financial officer of cities in Florida and California.  He served as City Manager of Gainesville, Florida, Melbourne Beach, Florida, Surfside, Florida, and Madeira Beach, Florida ranging in population from 3,100 to 123,100 and CFO in Bakersfield, California with a population of 352,400.  …

Photo of Mosaic Public Partners

Mosaic Public Partners

Mosaic Public Partners provides a client-focused, customized approach to every search.  We create an open, transparent, and interactive search process for both our clients and candidates.  As a small firm we remain highly responsive to client needs and objectives, along with being personally available during the search process.  Honest communication, collaboration and connecting with people are key components in a successful search. …

Photo of Muninet Guide

Muninet Guide

MuniNet Guide is an online resource specializing in municipal matters, including urban affairs, public finance, and municipal bonds.  Our content and data focuses on a variety of topic areas pertaining to the public sector:  municipal bonds, state and local government, demographics, economic trends, education, employment, healthcare, housing and real estate, transportation, and utilities.

MuniNet has been covering municipal bond research, public finance, urban administration, and public sector agencies since the mid-1990s. …

Photo of National Association of Counties

National Association of Counties

Who We Are

NACo is the only national organization representing the nation’s 3,069 counties, parishes and boroughs. Driven by a strong membership, NACo’s Board of Directors represents counties across America. NACo’s Executive Committee is composed of four officers elected by the membership and a regional representative from each of the four regions in the country.…

Photo of National Association of Wastewater Technicians

National Association of Wastewater Technicians

The MISSION of the National Association of Wastewater Technicians is to unify the voice of the sanitary liquid waste management industry, while increasing its professionalism and public image through education of industry members and the public, and the development and national representation of individual, state, and regional chapters, allowing our industry to exchange ideas and concerns for the betterment of our members, the environment, and the general public.…

Photo of National Education Association

National Education Association

NEA’s Vision, Mission, and Values

Adopted at the 2006 NEA Representative Assembly
The National Education Association
We, the members of the National Education Association of the United States, are the voice of education professionals. Our work is fundamental to the nation, and we accept the profound trust placed in us.

Our Vision Our vision is a great public school for every student.…

Photo of National League of Cities

National League of Cities

The National League of Cities (NLC) is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. Working in partnership with the 49 state municipal leagues, NLC serves as a resource to and an advocate for the more than 19,000 cities, villages and towns it represents

Who are NLC ‘s Members?
The National League of Cities members are municipalities from across the country. …

Photo of National Public Employer Labor Relations Association

National Public Employer Labor Relations Association

National Public Employer Labor Relations Association (NPELRA) is the premier organization for public-sector labor relations and human resources professionals. NPELRA is a network of state and regional affiliates with over 2,000 members around the country. The governmental agencies represented in NPELRA employ more than four million workers in federal, state, and local government.
NPELRA’s members represent public employers in a wide range of areas, from management union contract negotiations to working with arbitrators under grievance and arbitration procedures.…

Photo of National Recreation and Parks Association

National Recreation and Parks Association

About NRPA

National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is the leading advocacy organization dedicated to the advancement of public parks, recreation and conservation. Our work draws national focus to the far-reaching impact of successes generated at the local level. Leveraging their role in conservation, health and wellness, and social equity to improve their communities NRPA’s members of park and recreation professionals and citizen advocates are more than 30,000 strong and represent public spaces in urban communities, rural settings and everything in between.…

Photo of Neher & Associates Executive Search & Recruiting

Neher & Associates Executive Search & Recruiting

Founded with the mission of optimizing excellence through three basic concepts: quality performance, integrity, and partnering for success, the Neher & Associates team of consulting professionals is characterized by high ethics, over 30 years of senior level management and consulting experience, professionalism, flexibility, attention to details, a collegial participative management style, and respect for confidentiality.…

Photo of Northern Illinois University Division of Public Administration

Northern Illinois University Division of Public Administration

U.S. News: Grad programs in city management, public finance at NIU rank among nation’s best
NIU’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) program once again received top marks in the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings of graduate schools.

The MPA program was ranked fifth in the nation in the specialty field of city management and urban policy and 12th in the field of public finance and budgeting.…

Photo of Peckham & McKenney

Peckham & McKenney

Peckham & McKenney provides Executive Search and Consulting services to local government agencies throughout the Western United States and is headquartered in Sacramento, CA. The firm was established as a partnership in June 2004 by Bobbi Peckham and Phil McKenney and is supported by an experienced administrative staff.
Peckham & McKenney was established on the premise that an executive search and consulting firm must be dedicated to providing its clients and candidates with professional service, as well as a personal, hands-on approach.…

Photo of PeopleResults


SINCE 2004 we’ve partnered with clients such as PepsiCo, McKesson, 7-Eleven, and Bell Helicopter to harmonize people and organizations with business strategy—and produce results. Here are just a few of the reasons why forward-thinking organizations choose to partner with PeopleResults:

Our experts are accomplished business executives who know, firsthand, what kinds of challenges and pressures our clients face every day.…



POLIHIRE is a minority-owned and operated executive search firm based in Washington, DC, with a national focus and perspective. We provide organizations with first-rate, consistent service in addressing their most critical, sensitive executive hiring needs. We offer complete retained executive search services, including needs and specifications development, target and candidate review and selection, as well as offer negotiation.…

Photo of Princeton University

Princeton University

Message from Dean Cecilia Rouse

Welcome to the Woodrow Wilson School.

At the crossroads of scholarship and governance, the School is a major center of education and research in public and international affairs. Our mission is to prepare students for careers in public service, training them to apply well-honed analytic skills and substantive knowledge to the world’s most important policy issues.…

Photo of Professional Resume Services

Professional Resume Services

Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CPRW, BS/HR, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer/Career Consultant, and the President of Professional Resume Services. She is anationally published writer and contributor of 14 best-selling career books. She has achieved international recognition following yearly nominations of the prestigious T.O.R.I. (Toast of the Resume Industry) Award. She is also one of only a few professionals worldwide to achieve the coveted “Certified Master Resume Writer” distinction.…

Photo of Prothman


Prothman, headquartered in the greater Seattle area, specializes in providing national, regional, and local recruitment services to large and small cities, counties, special districts, nonprofits, and other governmental agencies throughout the United States.

Driven by our passion for local government, we are known and respected for our outstanding customer service, quality candidate pools, and first-hand knowledge of local government.…

Photo of Ralph Andersen & Associates

Ralph Andersen & Associates

Ralph Andersen & Associates has a clear focus in its approach to assignments:

  • There’s always an entire team behind every assignment;
  • We take a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting our client’s needs;
  • We provide a broad range of personalized services; and
  • We keep commitments, performing at a level that exceeds our client’s expectations.

Photo of RedStarResume


For the past decade, the team at RedStarResume has been creating award winning resumes that get noticed by hiring managers. Under our guidance, our clients have achieved successes in over 35 different industries. From the college student looking to break into his or her first job to the seasoned professional and CEO level candidate, our custom-made, high impact resumes are written specifically to match the goals and objectives of our clients.…

Photo of Resource Management Associates

Resource Management Associates

Resource Management Associates is a leading provider of fire and police promotional examination services. We have designed and administered promotional examinations for communities in several states. Since 1981, we have established a reputation for professional work and client satisfaction.

Each year we design and administer more than thirty assessment centers and promotional examinations. Over the last twenty years we have conducted over 200 assessment centers involving more than one thousand candidates for a wide range of positions in the police service.…

Photo of Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Resume Writers’ Ink, LLC

Career Services

The following Career Services are available for executive and professional level clients.

Profile Assessments:

  • DISC Profile Assessment. Your behavior, communication style and hot buttons can make or break you at work. DISCover your natural strengths and talents. Uncover your opportunities and take charge of navigating your future.

Photo of Richard Meyes Associates

Richard Meyes Associates

Corporate Information 

Who We Are?

We are game changers.

RMA goes beyond traditional talent acquisition and a one-time job fulfillment project. We deliver customized talent acquisition and management that encompasses more than just the job you’re filling. We match candidates to your more comprehensive business needs, enhancing operations.

Our Total Talent Management approach ensures that candidates are thoroughly vetted and matched to your company’s culture, skills requirements, and business objectives.…

Photo of Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Transforming Personal Commitment into Public Leadership
Established in 1938, the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service offers advanced programs leading to the professional degrees of Master of Public Administration, Master of Urban Planning, Executive Master of Public Administration, and Doctor of Philosophy.…

Photo of Roberts Consulting Group

Roberts Consulting Group

Norm Roberts pioneered the field of public sector recruiting. Our consultants have successfully recruited thousands of chief executives and senior-level executives for public agencies throughout the United States. We have assisted our clients in finding highly talented individuals with a commitment to serving the public, and our placements are some of the best and brightest in their fields.…

Photo of Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration

Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration

Photo of School of Public Affairs – American University

School of Public Affairs – American University

Ranked among the top schools of its kind, American University’s School of Public Affairs offers education in the fields of political science, public administration, public policy, and justice. Our location in the scenic neighborhood of upper northwest Washington, D.C., our position, programs, and professors—all provide us a distinct advantage in educating and preparing leaders for careers in public service.…

Photo of Slavin Management Consultants

Slavin Management Consultants

Slavin Management Consultants is an independent management consulting firm located in Norcross, GA and operates a nation-wide management consulting practice. We take pride in providing exceptional and tailored consulting services to a wide variety of clients.

Slavin Management Consultants was founded in 1988 by local government practitioners to provide quality human resources services to public sector organizations.…

Photo of Strategic Government Resources

Strategic Government Resources

SGR is a full-service consulting firm dedicated to providing tailored services that address the unique needs of local government organizations. As a trusted partner, SGR offers a comprehensive range of services, including executive recruitment, interim placements, embedded & consulting services, leadership development & training, as well as innovation and strategic foresight for local governments and public agencies.…

Photo of Teri Black & Company, LLC

Teri Black & Company, LLC

Our Philosophy
Our business strategy is based on two guiding principles — quality and results. We offer a highly personalized approach to our clients so they receive superior service and, ultimately, impressive results. Retaining TBC as a recruiting partner is an investment that will reap rewards for many years to come.…

Photo of The Council of State Governments

The Council of State Governments

Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments is our nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled regional, national and international opportunities to network, develop leaders, collaborate and create problem-solving partnerships.

Photo of The Goldman School of Public Policy – UC Berkeley

The Goldman School of Public Policy – UC Berkeley

About GSPP

The Goldman School of Public Policy is a graduate school that prepares students for careers in public leadership.

The majority of the students at GSPP are enrolled in the Masters of Public Policy (MPP) program which emphaiszes the applied and quantitative dimensions of policy making. The MPP may also be earned concurrently with degrees from several other UC Berkeley schools: law, public health, engineering, social welfare, international and area studies and the Energy Resources Group.…

Photo of The Harris School of Public Policy: University of Chicago

The Harris School of Public Policy: University of Chicago

Public policy is inseparable from modern life. It affects anyone who pays taxes or drives a car, has children or grows old.
The mission of Chicago Harris is to understand and influence public policies—both through research and by preparing talented individuals to become global leaders and agents of social change. A liaison between academic policy research and practitioners in the field, we equip students to make an impact on the problems facing people and institutions around the globe.

Photo of The International Association of Women Police

The International Association of Women Police

September 2007 ARTICLE III Mission Vision and Guiding Values

1. Mission: To strengthen, unite and raise the profile of women in criminal justice internationally. 2. Vision: For women’s lives to be free from discrimination, valued for their contribution, and treated with respect and dignity. To contribute by being an example of excellence in securing a safe, harmonious workplace and society as partners in safety in the criminal justice system 3.…

Photo of The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at GW

The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at GW

Director’s Message
Welcome to the Trachtenberg  School of Public Policy and Public Administration. I am very proud of our supportive  and engaging community of faculty, students, staff and alumni.
We welcome students with  wide-ranging backgrounds and interests, and offer graduate programs that  embrace multiple perspectives and practical knowledge to prepare students for  active and reflective engagement in local, national, and global policy and  governance. …

Photo of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Public Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Public Policy

The Department of Public Policy

Established in 1979, the Curriculum in Public Policy Analysis was one of  the first undergraduate degree programs in public policy, and a charter  member of the national Association for Public Policy Analysis and  Management. It was augmented in 1991 by an interdisciplinary Ph.D.  Curriculum in Public Policy Analysis. In 1995 the two curricula were  combined and began recruiting their own core faculty.…

Photo of University of Georgia Department of Public Administration and Policy

University of Georgia Department of Public Administration and Policy

Welcome to the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia. Our website is designed to provide an introduction to the Department and its faculty, staff, and students; information about our graduate programs and courses; and guidance for those interested in contacting the Department, applying to one of our programs, or learning of the manifold opportunities for learning and research offered here.…

Photo of University of Illinois – Chicago: Department of Public Administration

University of Illinois – Chicago: Department of Public Administration

The Department
Welcome to the Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I encourage you to take a closer look at our department, whether you are looking for a Ph.D. program, a Master of Public Administration degree, or an innovative undergraduate program in Urban and Public Affairs ; whether you are a government or nonprofit organization seeking university partnerships.We are highly-ranked in research, effective in our teaching, and relevant to policy and practice in the nation and the community.…

Photo of University of North Texas Department of Public Administration

University of North Texas Department of Public Administration

Graduate opportunities
In the Department of Public Administration at the University of North Texas, we prepare you for a leadership role in a public or nonprofit organization or for a career in academia. This is accomplished through an innovative curriculum leading to either a Master of Public Administration degree or a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Administration and Management.…

Photo of USC Price School of Public Policy

USC Price School of Public Policy

The mission of the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy is to improve the quality of life for people and their communities, here and abroad.

We achieve this mission through education and research that promote innovative solutions to the most critical issues facing society.
Degree Programs
The Price School offers five professional master’s degree programs, three executive master’s degree programsdoctoral programs, and an undergraduate degree program.…

Photo of Veteran Resources

Veteran Resources

The County of San Diego is committed to honoring veterans and their service. The Department of Human Resources aims to provide veterans with the resources and tools necessary to maximize their employment opportunities, and to assist veterans with their transition into civilian life by applying the valuable skills, knowledge and training acquired in service to positions and career paths available within the County of San Diego.…

Photo of Waldron


Waldron is the consulting partner strategic leaders choose to help attract, engage, and inspire effective leaders. We provide a unique combination of executive search, leadership development and career transition services across sectors and industries. Our passion is helping people and organizations realize their full potential and increase their impact.

When your brand reputation is on the line, you can trust Waldron to resolve even the most sensitive talent and management challenges with experience, discretion and insight.…

Photo of WBCP, Inc.

WBCP, Inc.

WBCP offers professional, cost-effective recruitment services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. With over 20 years of experience, WBCP excels in recruiting executive, management, and entry-level talent for public sector organizations, special districts, nonprofits, and niche private sector companies. WBCP’s exceptional success rate and commitment to customer service keep clients returning, resulting in long-term partnerships across the United States.…

Photo of Webuild Staffing

Webuild Staffing

With over 18 years of experience recruiting professionals within these industries, Webuild Staffing has gained an exceptional understanding of the full life cycle of development and all the personnel required to take a project from acquisition through completion; Whether Construction, Engineering, Environmental or Climate Change / Sustainability oriented we take the time to understand the nuances of your employment needs and puts our expertise to work to achieve exceptional results.…


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