When you think of Bexar County, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Is it San Antonio, Texas? That’d be no surprise, considering it’s the largest city within the county.
As the largest city, many people flock here from neighboring towns to further their careers. Even though San Antonio is the most well-known town in this county, the entire area just so happens to be an excellent community to reside in if you’re looking for a government job.
Bexar County, and Texas in general, has current openings in all sectors of the government, making it easy for just about anyone to find a job that suits their occupational experience and interests.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your career and land a government job, follow along to find out how!
Key Takeaways
- Bexar County has many available government jobs that are public servants focused.
- It’s important to strengthen all aspects of your application (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn).
- Practice your interview skills beforehand to have a successful interview.
Important Things to Know
Applying to government jobs in Texas is slightly different from a private organization job. Regardless of the position, the application process may be a bit more extensive than you’re used to.
Depending on your role, you may be subject to a government background investigation where Human Resources examines your criminal history, a credit record review, and be required to have a valid driver’s license.
The application process may be much longer than other jobs as well. Instead of applying and sitting down for one interview, you may have multiple interviews until you receive a final decision. These often have more than one person conducting the interview as well, so it’s important to prepare yourself before going into them.
How You Can Stand Out
As an applicant, the best thing you can do is stand out from the other candidates. Do you know how to make your application stand out?
Here are a few ways.
The first is to include a cover letter. Yes, cover letters are your gateway to making a great first impression.
Why are cover letters so great?
Well, think about it. Imagine you’re a recruiter for a large company that just posted a new job listing. Within the first hour, you received over 100 applicants.
There’s no way you could go through every application. Instead, you may decide that the first applications you look at are the ones that include cover letters.
When it comes to a job application, more is almost always better than less. A cover letter is your first impression, a way for you to introduce yourself and shake hands with the recruiters before you even get in contact.
Also, follow up on your application and interview.
Don’t just sit back and wait for an interview or a response from a recruiter. They are busy people and have multiple positions they’re constantly filling.
By reaching out, you’re showing initiative; you’re telling them you’re willing to go the extra mile and do what it takes to land the role.
Where to Find Government Jobs Online?
The #1 place to find government jobs in Bexar County is our site, www.CareersinGovernment.com. We’re not biased; we’re realistic. We’ve browsed through every knock and cranny of the internet and seen what’s out there for government job boards.
We’ll let you in on a little secret.
Your options aren’t great.
Apart from a few solid sources, nothing quite compares to our comprehensive site. You can search for job postings within Bexar County, see the expected salary for each job, know when the job intends to close, and get a firsthand look at the requirements and expectations of each role.
We offer a quality service characterized by our commitment to helping job-seekers succeed in their search. We want to increase the number of Bexar County employees working for the government, but to do so, you need to do more than simply apply for a position.
Whether you’re applying for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as a public health nurse, or in a park and recreation position–strengthening your application and online presence is crucial.
Today, government employers regularly check out applicants’ LinkedIn profiles. That’s why we are happy to guide you on how to strengthen your LinkedIn profile, optimize your resume, and curate a stand-out cover letter.
If you’re looking to stay up to date on government-career-related content, check out our Government Talks blog!
Practice Makes Perfect
Now that you know where to find the best resource for jobs in government, it’s time to apply! After you apply, practice your interview skills beforehand. Do this even before you land your first interview because, with enough time and effort, you’re bound to be contacted by a recruiter.
Spend time with a friend or family member and set up a mock interview. Find interview questions online or form them based on your past interview experiences.
The government is one of the largest public service employers, ranging from working for the district court system, public transpiration, or the DMV office. Regardless of your work history and experience, you can find a job for the government because they employ all major industries.
Whether you’re looking for government jobs in San Antonio, TX, or government jobs in Travis County, Careers in Government has you covered.
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