About Sharon McCoy
Sharon McCoy is currently a writer for GovLoop. It's mission is simple: connect government to improve government. GovLoop aims to inspire public sector professionals to better service by acting as the knowledge network for government. Sharon graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in International affairs. As an undergraduate, she studied in Chile and worked as an intern at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. With its ideal location near the U.S.-Mexican border, regionally-based curriculum and numerous opportunities for research and internships, IR/PS was an “excellent choice” for Sharon to prepare for her professional ambitions. After her first year at IR/PS, Sharon accepted a 3-month internship from the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C. serving the Front Office of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA). The staff advises the WHA Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretaries on regional policy and management considerations and is responsible for managing the flow of information within the Bureau. Sharon’s was one of the few State Department internships to require a Top Secret security clearance due to the level of exposure this position has to a higher level of personnel and information.
Website: http://www.govloop.com
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