About Scott Boulton
Scott is a graduate of St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and a Certified Human Resources Professional. (CHRP). His HR experience has come within the fields of marine engineering, contact centre, gaming and hospitality, retail and information technology. Scott has had the opportunity to provide HR solutions to organizations ranging in size from 50 to 5000 employees (including start-ups), all of which gives him a unique perspective on what it is like to manage in a myriad of environments and organizational structures. He has also held roles recruiting in the agency world, working as a sole HR practitioner and as the Manager of a large HR department – all of which has allowed him to experience the challenges and lessons learned that each of these roles presents! When he isn’t spending time being a Human Resources Manager or blogging, Scott enjoys coaching his daughter's basketball team, mountain biking and traveling to warm places with his family. You can find Scott on Twitter at @HR_ScottBoulton, or on his leadership and HR blog - The Armchair HR Manager.
Website: http://scottboulton.wordpress.com
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