by Jerry Schuber | Feb 8, 2020 | About the Public Sector, Career Advice
Recently, a staff member was discussing a problem with me that was affecting morale and moreover productivity. As I listened to the issues being laid out before me I was also listening to the issues not being said. Once they had completed their tirade and given me the emotional side of the conflict, I asked a simple question. So what’s your part in the conflict? Invariably the answer always comes back to some version of “I am the victim.” Now do not get me wrong there are many times when a manager is not a leader.
by Jerry Schuber | Nov 14, 2015 | Career Advice
Most of the time I write an article with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. I include such taglines as above for the sake of grabbing an audience who otherwise would ignore any article by most authors based solely on their belief that the reader is far too busy or...
by Jerry Schuber | Apr 8, 2015 | on the job
As many of you can attest the mindless paperwork that accounts for the majority of the work we do as civil servants is a must in order to prove we worked and deliver the transparency required of people working in the public trust. Not sure about the rest of you but I...
by Jerry Schuber | Nov 8, 2014 | About the Public Sector
Storming is where we begin this month. When we left our newly “formed” team they were all standing there smiling and ready to do good deeds in the name of the organization right? No, sorry, I can’t back that up. They were likely stuck with a person they didn’t...
by Jerry Schuber | Oct 8, 2014 | on the job
In order to fully understand the concepts of organizations and how they develop it is important to understand the steps it takes to actually build teams within the group. According to Organizational Behavior (5th ed.), the development of a team is divided into 5...
by Jerry Schuber | Aug 14, 2014 | networking/interviewing
Oh boy I bet this one caught your eye! Sorry to bait and switch you but this is about the job, or what I refer to as the mistress. I say this because, as with many of you, the job seems to get the better parts of me sometimes. It calls in the middle of the night to...
by Jerry Schuber | Jun 10, 2014 | Trends
I once had a possum on my sorting line. Weird way to start an article I know but bear with me. The possum had come in the back of a garbage truck with a load to my transfer station. Who knows how he got there, one can only guess it was in the container when the...
by Jerry Schuber | May 8, 2014 | Trends
There is a growing trend in the private firms of staff development which has shown signs of success. The lunch meeting with a potential new team member to see how the person interacts with potentially new coworkers has been on the rise. The theory behind the concept...
by Jerry Schuber | Apr 13, 2014 | Trends
As many are aware, the generations have aligned on the American workplace like the planets in some science fiction movie. However, this does not have to alert us to the doom of the known world as with so many of those movies. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good...
by Jerry Schuber | Feb 15, 2014 | on the job
I once heard it said that “the world is a dirty diaper, let someone else change it”, and of course I chuckled because change can, in some ways, have the same effect on people trapped in a room with a dirty diaper. They make the face, followed by squirming in their...