Accountability: A Proven Strategy to Improve Government Performance
Workers at all levels want to work for successful, highly regarded organizations. They want to feel valued and members of a ‘winning team.’
Workers at all levels want to work for successful, highly regarded organizations. They want to feel valued and members of a ‘winning team.’
Recent columns suggest private employers are about to be hit by “Great Resignation 2.0”, based on surveys showing a high percentage of employees are considering resigning.
Job vacancies are normal but when the numbers increase, it causes burnout and increased worker ‘quits’.
When leaders fail to address organizational health, they fail to help their agencies reach their full potential for performance.
Agencies are experiencing staffing problems that impede service delivery, while a retirement tsunami erodes the ranks of older, knowledgeable workers.
According to experts, the total cost until a new hire becomes a full performer can easily be 200% of salary. That does not consider the impact of poor performance on the public.
State and local leaders are in the best position to assess the need for healthcare services, currently and based on population trends into the future.
Today US labor markets as well as the world’s are undergoing a rapid evolution in the way work and workers are managed.
Vacancies are affecting agencies at all levels of government, but the problem, from the report, is “particularly acute in healthcare.
The goal is to enhance how job seekers perceive the company’s values, reward opportunities, and work environment.