About Chris Edmonds

S. Chris Edmonds is a sought-after speaker, author, and executive consultant. He’s the founder and CEO of The Purposeful Culture Group, which he launched in 1990. Chris helps senior leaders build and sustain purposeful, positive, productive work cultures. He is the author or co-author of seven books, including Amazon bestsellers Good Comes First (2021) with Mark Babbitt, The Culture Engine (2014), and Leading at a Higher Level (2008) with Ken Blanchard.

Website: http://drivingresultsthroughculture.com/

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Posts by Chris Edmonds:

Get Yourself Together

Get Yourself Together

Get Yourself Together CHRIS EDMONDS Chris Edmonds is the founder and CEO of the Purposeful Culture Group, which he launched after a 15-year career leading and managing teams. What state do you think has ranked highest for well-being multiple times? If you guessed...
Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action

Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action

Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action CHRIS EDMONDS CEO, Purposeful Culture Group If I were to ask your front line staff, “What is your organization’s reason for being?” what would they tell me? There’s one way to find out. Ask them. Many frontline staff I have...
The Word is Culture

The Word is Culture

Back in January 2015, Merriam-Webster selected “culture” as their word of the year for 2014.  Our of more than 100 million queries on their website each month and a similar number on the company’s app, “culture” increased by 15 percent increase this...
Significant Service

Significant Service

Do you work in a productive, inspiring workplace? Or is your organization’s culture primarily frustrating and dull? Tiny HR’s  2015 Engagement and Culture Report revealed that only 31 percent of employees feel strongly valued at work. While that is better than the 21%...
Change Isn’t Easy

Change Isn’t Easy

Let’s change something! How fun! (Sarcasm font.) How do you react to change? Many people don’t like it. They don’t welcome it, at least not at the start. I’ve had to adapt to change physically. I have CMT, a neurologic disease that causes calf atrophy, foot drop, and...
Stop Bullying: Stand Up and Show Up

Stop Bullying: Stand Up and Show Up

Bella, a fifth grader fighting a life-threatening blood disorder, was paired with the Denver University Division 1 women’s volleyball team as part of Team Impact.  She was given a locker and helped out at practices. Because of her illness, she has to wear...
Work Where the Human Spirit Goes to Die

Work Where the Human Spirit Goes to Die

What’s your work environment like? Inspiring? Frustrating? Dull? Engaging? Is the only metric that matters “employee productivity?” Studies have shown workplaces are often dismal places to be for us humans. 24/7 Wall Street identified 2016’s worst companies to work...
What Drives Your Leadership Behavior

What Drives Your Leadership Behavior

Do you ever wonder why leaders do what they do? The plans, decisions and actions of a leader are strongly influenced by three powerful factors: Their personality style (also known as social style) The culture where they operate Past or present role models Our style...
There Are Cheaters All Around Us

There Are Cheaters All Around Us

And there are some players that, while not outright cheating, are self-serving, making it about themselves winning and others losing. Finding that area where they can cut corners, deliver a little less than expected and get away with it, or deceive the customer by...
A Side-By-Side Boss

A Side-By-Side Boss

In the CBS television show, Undercover Boss, senior leaders in these companies learn about the work lives that their employees experience, although in an unusual and perhaps somewhat directed, way. But the concept is solid. In the high performance, values-aligned...

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