About Brigham A. McCown
Brigham A. McCown has more than 26 years of executive management, legal, and operational experience at the local, national, and international levels of government. Mr. McCown primarily advises private sector clients in matters pertaining to federal security and safety regulations, government enforcement of regulated industries and risk mitigation, including areas relating to crisis response and complex private sector litigation. Currently, McCown serves as the Chairman of The Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure, Chairman and CEO of Nouveau Inc., and is a Managing Member of Kilgore McCown, PLLC. Prior to 2007, McCown served as a member of the United States Senior Executive Service during both terms of George W. Bush’s presidency. Appointed by Transportation Secretary, Norman Y. Mineta (D-CA), McCown helped shape the nation’s laws, regulations and policies pertaining to transportation safety and security for the surface, maritime, pipeline, rail and aviation industriesDuring his tenure, Mr. McCown served as the first acting administrator and interim CEO of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHSMA). While in this position, McCown was in charge of the federal government’s oversight of more than one million daily shipments of hazardous materials by all modes of transportation, including pipeline. It was also during his time with PHMSA that he was given the task of coordinating the federal government’s response to the largest oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope. He also helped oversee the restoration process of the Gulf Coast’s energy infrastructure following Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. He helped author the PIPES Act of 2006 which improved safety and increased government oversight of the pipeline industry while also providing additional operational flexibility to pipeline operators. Mr. McCown also served as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s first chief counsel. While managing a staff of 55 attorneys, legislative affairs specialists and support staff, Mr. McCown was responsible for ensuring implementation of the nation’s laws and regulations for the motor carrier, motor coach and moving industries. McCown is currently a contributor to Forbes, National Journal, Huffington Post, and Fuel Fix on matters pertaining to transportation, energy and public policy. McCown graduated from Miami University in 1988 with a degree in diplomacy and foreign affairs. He later went on to receive his law degree from Northern Kentucky University in 1997.
Website: http://nouveaucorp.com
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