About Careers in Government
Careers In Government (CIG) is dedicated to matching qualified individuals with challenging and rewarding careers in government and the public sector. Additionally, CIG is a forum for the exchange of news and information of interest to more than 20 million Americans working, or seeking employment, in public sector occupations. CIG was created and developed by public sector employees!
Careers In Government combines today’s powerful Internet search technology with a wealth of recruitment, selection and practical job information pertinent to the public sector. CIG staff understands the unique needs of government and public sector employers, and job seekers. From airport manager to zookeeper, city manager to college intern, CIG is your address on the Internet for career growth and opportunity.
Access to thousands of government and public sector job opportunities is provided to prospective candidates without charge. Agency profiles and links to employer home pages help candidates to further evaluate job listings selected on the basis of location, job classification, requirements, salary and other search criteria. Resume posting and forwarding features facilitate job seekers’ efforts to communicate with prospective employers and begin the application process.
Government and public sector agencies with limited funding have historically spent less money than America’s wealthy corporations to recruit and hire its workforce. CIG represents an economical method for employers to harness the powerful communication and interactive database search capabilities of the Internet. Neither employer nor job seeker should be forced to compromise their organizational or personal needs. Job search tailoring can help to insure qualified candidates are suitably matched to agencies on the basis of many of the dimensions both employers and job seekers have identified as essential for success.
Career choices are among the most important decisions we make, affecting us economically, emotionally, physically and intellectually. CIG’s evolution now includes advanced new social services connectivity and is optimized for mobile, tablet and desktop access. Careers In Government welcomes your comments regarding this site, or those which may be informative and helpful to job placement and employment in the public sector.
candidates, particularly technology, and find the social media component to
be quite valuable.
Why use careers in government
Careers In Government Offers Top Career Opportunities in the Public Sector!
Careers In Government In the News
Social Media Advertising Solutions for Government
Careers In Government is committed to not only marketing your vacancies on our job board, and social media platforms; but we now offer highly effective and cost efficient advertising campaigns on Facebook and Twitter to further extend your recruiting efforts. Other...
Diversity Boost Marketing Campaigns
Our objective is to reach out to a diverse range of state and local government job seekers on our Job Board, social media platforms and via major search engines. As a leader in our industry, everything we do is designed to reach outstanding public sector employees...
Winner of the 2016 User’s Choice Best Job Boards Award
Winners Announced for 2016 User’s Choice Awards Job Seekers & Recruiters Pick the Best Job Boards on the Web STAMFORD, CT Survey after survey has shown that job boards remain among the top sources of talent for employers and jobs for those seeking employment. ...
Government Product News Interview with Careers In Government
The Careers In Government (CIG) website works to match qualified individuals with rewarding careers in government. CIG is a forum for the exchange of news and information of interest to more than 20 million Americans working, or seeking employment, in public sector...
NACo Agrees to Exclusive Partnership with CareersInGovernment.com to Assist its Members with their Public Sector Recruitment and Hiring Efforts
Under the collaborative agreement, CIG will serve as the exclusive agent for NACo with respect to advertising jobs available in county governments, and together they will develop and market a variety of job posting packages catering to counties of all sizes. Careers...
CareersInGovernment.com Announces Industry Leading Expert Marnie E. Green to Share Public Sector Management Strategies.
Careers In Government, Inc. (CIG) President Michael Hurwitz announced today that industry leading expert Marnie E. Green, CSP, IPMA-CP, Principal Consultant of Management Education Group, Inc., will share her public sector management and supervision strategies on a...
IPMA Joins Forces with CareersInGovernment.com to Strengthen Public Sector Recruitment and Hiring, Professional Development and Education.
International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) Executive Director Neil Reichenberg and Careers In Government, Inc. (CIG) Chief Executive Officer Corey Hurwitz announced a strategic partnership designed to dramatically enhance IPMA-HR’s...
Careers In Government Recognized by Forbes as 2013 Top Government Career Site
Careers In Government, Inc. announced today that it has been named among the top career websites for 2013 by the prestigious Forbes business publishing group. This is the second straight year that CareersInGovernment.com (CIG) has received this distinction by Forbes,...
Careers In Government named “Best Government Job Search Resource”
Careers In Government (www.careersingovernment.com) was just named the “Best Government Job Search Resource” by Interview Success Formula Careers In Government was launched in 1996 as the first career portal designed specifically for the public sector. After...
Forbes Selects Careers In Government as the Top Career Website
Careers In Government, the largest public sector job board dedicated to matching qualified individuals with challenging and rewarding careers, is pleased to announce Forbes’ top pick for state and local government career websites. Careers In Government (formerly Jobs...