Leadership: Team Development

David Ivers is from Sydney, Australia. He is a qualified Primary and Secondary School Teacher. In total, he has served on school leadership teams for 16 years in senior leadership roles.

You can see the stars and still not see the light”

Already Gone (1974) (Eagles)

Written By:

Jack Tempchin & Robert Arnold Strandlund

Warner Chappell Music, Inc. Los Angeles.CA.

Great leaders understand that a core part of their role is to develop their team for both the present and the future. This responsibility extends not only to their current employer but also to the broader industry. It should encompass their personal development, including their well-being. This becomes especially important when talented individuals on your team exhibit significant potential yet never advance beyond their current achievements. They appear to be stuck. The opening quote about seeing the stars yet not being able to see the light serves as an apt metaphor for their state of stagnation. In electrical engineering, potential is measured in volts.

“Potential difference is a measure of the difference in energy between two parts of a circuit. The bigger the difference in energy, the bigger the potential difference.”

BBC. (2025). Measuring Current and Potential Difference: Series and Parallel Circuits

Our feeling of ‘stuckness’ often arises from energy- or the lack thereof. When the energy required for the current practice is less than what might be needed- at least initially- to move on to something more powerful, we can feel stuck. Recognizing this can empower individuals to become experts in assessing whether achieving future potential is feasible. For the team leader, providing the resources necessary for this ‘epiphany’ to occur is crucial. In his excellent work, ‘Lead From the Heart,’ Mark C. Crowley highlights the significance of teamwork and self-development.

“The truth is no one is ever fully developed or self-assured. Moreover, I believe all people feel limited in some way and can be transformed through thoughtful coaching and encouragement. More than anything, my experience taught me that people are virtually unlimited given the right support.”

Crowley, Mark. C. (2022). Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century (eBook). Carlsbad. California: Hay House, Inc. (Introduction. p16 of 246).

Without creating an exhaustive list, some tools to assist team member(s) in realizing their potential may include the following. The linked resources serve as examples and are not a comprehensive list of what is available, nor do they constitute recommendations or professional advice, but rather illustrate options that exist.

Coaching / Mentoring

These terms can often be misunderstood and used interchangeably. However, there is a clear distinction between coaching and mentoring. While focusing on the coaching and mentoring of teachers, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) employs a broad definition of both. Additionally, it needs to be structured and follow through at least four phases.

In the AITSL model of Coaching, there are four phases.

Planning >>>>>>>>>> Contracting >>>>>>>>>> Coaching >>>>>>>>>> Evaluating

“Coaching is a professional learning strategy using questioning and conversation to support professional growth.”

“Mentoring is generally a relationship between a more experienced mentor and less experienced mentee. It is about learning from an expert and gaining knowledge from his or her experience. Often Mentoring occurs during transition to a new career stage or role.”

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2016). AITSL Coaching Resources: Complete Seat. Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). AITSL. (Phases: p6 of 106 Definitions: p15 of 106).

What this should highlight is the intentional nature of coaching. Ideally, it is planned, and the agreed-upon areas of coaching, such as time, place, frequency, and goals, need to be defined upfront in the planning and contracting phase. Coaching is often viewed as a strategy that facilitates intentional change by addressing where the coachee currently is and where they need or want to be. Consequently, it is essential for the coach to have received training in coaching. There are numerous online resources available to help you get started. In addition to AITSL, examples include Growth Coaching International, the Center for Creative Leadership, the Institute of Coaching (affiliated with Harvard Medical School), Positive Psychology, and the International Coaching Federation. If developing your people is a key priority, coaching must be included in the professional development toolbox.

Engaging in Possibility Thinking

Possibility Thinking often comes up when there is a discussion around Creative Thinking. The key here is in the questions that need to be asked and explored. As the name suggests, the team member starts by naming the problem. This could be connected to the coaching protocol described above or even as a whole team exercise. The premise in bringing in others, is that often there is an aspect of ourselves that others can see but the individual cannot. Often it is through a lack of self-awareness or a false sense of humility. Once the problem is named a series of questions, often ‘what if’, ’what are’ and ‘why / why not’, are explored. Mapping these responses is an essential component of the process. This helps the individual to have agency over the process and the change that is sought. What is important in exploring the questions and possible solutions, is that everything is on the table. Even if something is already known or seems quirky, if the individual or group have it as a creative thought to the problem, it should be regarded as a creative thought. Possibility Thinking is often a technique taught in initial teacher education programs. As a result, there are a lot of resources on the internet that can help guide you through this process. An example of this would include: a useful article by Constance de Saint Laurent & Vlad Glăveanu, entitled How to Use ‘Possibility Thinking’ . Another useful example is Ronald Beghetto from Arizona State University explaining Possibility Thinking Protocols.

Engaging in Lewin’s Force-Field Analysis

One of the decision-making techniques often taught in business schools is Kurt Lewin’s ‘Force-Field Analysis. Essentially, this theoretical approach has been used in change management of organizations and, more recently to evaluate the use of a particular strategy. In one sense, it leverages Newton’s Third Law of Motion (Action and Reaction). According to NASA, Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first.” In Luwin’s Force-Field Analysis, “change is characterized as a state of imbalance between driving forces (e.g., new personnel, changing markets, new technology) and restraining forces (e.g., individuals’ fear of failure, organizational inertia)”. These forces are ‘frozen’ so they remain in a ‘quasi-equilibrium. By unfreezing the forces, they can be adjusted to the required force for change. Once the change is achieved, the new forces are refrozen to embed the change. For the individual or team, to discern the driving forces and restraining forces at work on them individually and on the team collectively can lead to profound insights and change.

A diverse group of five people engages in a serious discussion in a modern office with large windows. One person takes the lead, standing and pointing at a document on the table, while others sit attentively, taking notes and engaging in conversation.
In an office with modern lighting, two leaders stand confidently; a woman in a blazer with arms crossed and a man in a sweater behind her. In the background, their team collaborates at a table, surrounded by laptops and papers.

Great leaders understand that a core part of their role is to develop their team for both the present and the future.


Find their ‘Immunity to Change’ (Kegan and Lahey)

This is based on the exceptional work of Professor Robert Kegan and Dr. Lisa Lahey from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

“Based on 30 years of adult developmental research, Immunity to Change is a way of helping people take a kind of mental X-ray, a picture of your own mindset,” Kegan said, allowing individuals to see the ways in which your mental system may actually be in some ways making errors or distortions that keep you from letting new ideas come into your head which in fact can allow you to change your behavior.”

Bauld, Andrew. (ND). Changing for the Better. Cambridge. MA: Harvard Graduate School of Education

This process can be part of either a group or coaching initiative. The individual begins by using the ‘Immunity to Change’ worksheet to identify their ‘Improvement Goal. ‘ Next, they determine the necessary actions to achieve this goal. The second part of the process focuses on ‘Behaviors that Work Against My Goal.’ For instance, if the goal is to become a teacher and the action is to enroll in a teaching degree program, procrastination in applying for the degree represents a behavior that undermines this objective. The third part involves identifying ‘Hidden Competing Commitments. ‘ In the pursuit of becoming a teacher, financial considerations may arise, such as a mortgage, which can conflict with educational expenses, along with demands on family time. The final stage addresses the ‘Big Assumptions. ‘ What assumptions do you hold about yourself and your situation, and are these assumptions valid? If they seem valid, can these significant issues be minimized? If so, how can that be achieved? For team members who feel stuck, this process can inspire considerable breakthrough thinking, leading to adjustments in their self-belief, self-concept, and self-confidence. The worksheet is available for download from the Harvard Extension School website. The book is highly recommended for its life-changing potential, and a copy can be found at the ‘HBR Store. ‘

Keeping a Journal to See Priorities (Personal and/or Professional)

Journaling is an activity that almost everybody can use as a strategy for personal and / or professional growth. It can take many different forms. Some like to keep it like a diary with a comment on each of the major events of the day. Others use it to reflect on the day that has been, whilst others again might prefer to keep a visual journal. There are several advantages to this approach.

  • It captures your thoughts and feelings at a particular point in time.
  • It allows the individual to revisit that period of time and reflect on the growth since then.
  • It can indicate the direction that your personal and / or professional life keeps heading.
  • It can highlight the things you seem to value, pointing towards your ‘True North.’
  • It is a relatively low cost activity.
  • It develops reflective practices that better develop you as a reflective and adaptive leader.

You can find a range of resources to help you better understand journaling. For example, Positive Psychology has articles that explain how journaling can benefit your mental health. Psych Central has a useful article that offers 64 different prompts to help facilitate your foray into journaling. You can Google courses on journaling that are local to you. Journaling can be a springboard into Coaching and stem from a Personal Plan.

Develop a Personal Plan

Anyone who has ever read this author’s articles, especially those around New Year, will know that they often advocate having a Personal Plan. A Personal Plan can be adjusted to suit your life, but it seeks a holistic view of your life. Your work life impacts your personal life in many ways, and vice versa.

In general, the headings covered in a Personal Plan could include:

  • Family and Friends
  • Personal Health and Well-Being
  • Study (Formal and Informal)
  • Career (Plan it with your Coach)
  • Wealth Creation (Think Retirement)
  • Inner Health and Well-Being

Remember that your wellbeing is more than just the absence of illness. It encompasses having a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s about thriving, not merely surviving, and ultimately flourishing as a human being. The template for the Personal Plan created by this author can be found here.

There are numerous places on the internet where one can find advice and insights on helping team members get ‘unstuck’ and developing teams. Read them cautiously.

Consider This:

In her article for “People Development Magazine,” Christina Lattimer identifies 11 actions that can and should be taken to develop each team member and the team as a whole, enabling them to become a high-performing unit. From her essential article, “Everything You Need to Know about Building High-Performing Teams,” comes a list of the 11 Foundations for High-Performing Teams.

  1. Define A Shared Vision And Goals
  2. Assemble A Team With Complementary Skills And Perspectives
  3. Foster A Positive Team Culture
  4. Establish Clear Expectations And Accountability
  5. Provide Ongoing Support And Development
  6. Monitor Progress And Celebrate Success
  7. Acknowledge Individual And Team Accomplishments
  8. Empower Team Members
  9. Champion Continuous Learning And Improvement
  10. Create A Strong Team Identity
  11. Encourage Work-Life Balance

Lattimer, Christina. (2023). Everything You Need To Know About Building High Performing Teams (In People Development Magazine – April 3, 2023).

While it may be obvious, it still needs to be said. A leader who undertakes the above strategies to improve either an individual team member or the entire team, both individually and collectively, does so because they care. Their concern extends to the people they lead and to achieving the goals and projects entrusted to them. In fact, good leaders engage in these practices or at least put plans in place to further develop their teams. For such leaders, the clear strategy is to sit down with the individual and ask them: “What do you feel you do well?” “What do you feel you need to improve?”” What type of assistance or support do you need to develop further and achieve these goals?” Tom Peters, in his excellent book, ‘Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism,’ suggests that if you want to truly develop your team, get to know them. Engage in “Managing By Wandering Around.”

“Why do you do MBWA? Because its fun! And if its not . . .To be sure, via MBWA you learn close-up whats really going on in the organization…you do MBWA because it’s, yes, fun. Its a delight, or should be, to be out in the work spaces with the folks who are on your team who wrestle with day-to-day problems. Its fun to exchange stories. You learn important stuff,” certainly. But thats just five percent of the whole. The rest is about camaraderie in a human organization / community…If in fact you dont deeply enjoy being around and intimately engaging with your folks; if you dont deeply enjoy chatting to the Distribution Center team at 1:00 a.m., I sincerely suggest that you find something else to do with your life. Sorry.”

Peters, Tom. (2021). Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism (eBook). Chicago, Illinois. | Networking Publishing. (Ch 14. p191 of 250).

Like it or not, we live in a world that is constantly changing. Engaging in team development is an absolute must-do activity. It ensures that your team and organization remain relevant and viable in the future. Recognizing the connection between the personal and professional development of each team member is where this all begins. Get to know your team. Wander around, talk to them, work alongside them, ask questions, and listen intently to their concerns. Understand that your individual team members likely have a clear sense of what they need to develop, even before anyone in leadership does. Invest in your people by providing a range of support mechanisms for them. A good place to start is coaching. When people believe you genuinely care about their success, as well as the team’s success, things will start to change for the better. People will commit to the leadership you are offering, and they will desire to belong. They will see beyond the stars and into the light. The potential becomes limitless.

“To infinity and beyond!”

Buzz Lightyear. Toy Story (1995). Disney: Pixar.

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