When Will Everything Make Sense

Former Liverpool architect and author of Cancer 4 Me 5

The world is a strange place right now. I know I could have written those same words during the Second World War or the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the world recovered each time.

But this time, it seems different.

This time, the strangeness is on many different fronts.

A series of wars is currently raging in various parts of the world. Some cities are ablaze, while others are facing flooding. Entire populations are being forced to flee their homes because it is no longer safe to remain. Homeless individuals are present in every city, along with drought, famine, and oceans filled with plastic. Mass shootings in schools and the trafficking of innocent children are also prevalent. The levels of crime and violence are unprecedented, to the point that they have become almost normalized.

The planet seems to be groaning under the weight of its responsibility to sustain humankind. We are facing a relentless series of disasters worldwide, both natural and man-made, at unprecedented levels. At a time when we should be united, we are not helping the cause by being more divided than ever. Our governments appear more focused on self-promotion, occupying other territories, and fostering division, both among other nations and within their own populations, rather than doing what is best for everyone. We seem to have lost our desire and responsibility to prioritize caring for one another.

There have been certain moments throughout history when it seemed the world couldn’t continue as it was. The most extreme of these was Noah’s Ark. Yet, the world now appears closer to the brink than it has for a long time. We have just survived a pandemic, which now seems to serve as a precursor to a time of horrific wars, dramatic climate change, and countries that were once models of stability, now riddled with internal and international conflict.

Regardless of the social structures of behavior we have in place- whether legal systems, religious doctrines, or dictatorial instructions- there will always be a natural law. We will always have a sense of right and wrong.

Close-up of a lush green grass field under a partly cloudy sky. The bright sunlight casts soft shadows, revealing the serene truth of nature's vibrancy. Grass blades appear sharp and vivid in the foreground, gradually fading into the distance.
A small green plant rises through a cracked concrete surface, casting a shadow that resembles a large tree on the wall behind it, symbolizing growth, truth, and potential.

The best among us make numerous mistakes each day, while the worst commit the most unspeakable atrocities.


War is never just. Famines, floods, and wildfires are not just. People sleeping on our streets in cardboard boxes are not just. Violence and murder will never be just.

And yet, for the most part, we live in a world full of distractions. We are blind to seeing only what the market wants us to perceive. We can be dazzled by the allure of a blockbuster movie, a sold-out world concert tour, the perfect red-carpet event, or the latest celebrity sensation on Instagram, but we often overlook those nearby who lack the basics of water, food, shelter, and safety.                                                                                         

How can we sleep when our beds are burning?

None of us knows where this world came from. The best theory we have is the Big Bang. Yet, when I look around, I see something far greater than ourselves. I see oceans, mountains, the sky, and the stars. I see a sun that rises every morning to give us light to live and sets every evening to provide darkness for rest. Something greater than we are must have assembled all this. If we don’t know how it began, it makes sense that we don’t know how it will end.

And then I look at us.

I observe humanity’s remarkable capacity to inflict harm on one another. The best among us make numerous mistakes each day, while the worst commit the most unspeakable atrocities.

There must be something greater. Natural law must prevail- a place where love, family, friendship, and goodness exist. Everyone will be happy, and this happiness will last forever.                                                                                                                   

Nothing else makes sense.                                                                                                                             

Perhaps that is God. I hope it is. And maybe we are already there. But the final version is still to come.   

I hope that one day we all recognize this amazing planet of ours as truly wonderful, just as we know it can be.

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